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Did you skate in the 80's (Queens rd rink)?

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Just wondering if there are any forum users who used to go to the old Queens rd ice rink in the 80's?

I was going to the sessions from the early 70's through to about 1992.


Remember the likes of 'Eccky', 'Twinnies', 'Bernard & Babs' etc?


Would be good to hear a few stories, and if there is enough interest even a bit of a reunion. (At a pub rather than a rink, i think i'm getting too fragile to skate nowadays!)


Ps I was a DJ there from about 83 to 87ish.

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I didn't but my Brother did, and broke his arm first time he went on the ice when he went with the Cubs circa early 80s.. Put me off for life that, I went to Queen's Rd skating rink with a youth club years later and refused to go on the ice, instead opting to spend the £2 I'd been given for skating to play on the Arcade machines there.

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I went once in the mid 80s, fell over more times than I care to remember, got blisters from the shoes and vowed never to do such a ridiculous 'sport' again - and haven't!


I don't think the DJ had green hair in those days!


Buffy x

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Just wondering if there are any forum users who used to go to the old Queens rd ice rink in the 80's?

I was going to the sessions from the early 70's through to about 1992.


Remember the likes of 'Eccky', 'Twinnies', 'Bernard & Babs' etc?


Would be good to hear a few stories, and if there is enough interest even a bit of a reunion. (At a pub rather than a rink, i think i'm getting too fragile to skate nowadays!)


Ps I was a DJ there from about 83 to 87ish.


I used to go now and again in the late 80s early 90s, we used to go with a few kids from round the arbourthorne.:)

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I went a few times in the 80s there was always 'the final countdown' playing by 'europe' went just b4 the ice went and it hadnt changed in 20 yrs even smelt the same.

I used to work with an Italian chef whos wife was maneger there in the 80s.

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Hi there Mrs Pooley91 here !


I used to skate at Queens Road nearly every night - except Tuesday night !! I remember Eckky, the steward if I remember rightly - Can you remember Sheffield Sabres ??? Do you remember Stewart on the door ??? And that dodgy Bar? What about tracey that really tall guy who was a wicked skater ??? Did you take over from Mick on the DJ or are you him? I used to go to skates with my friend Kerry - we met loads of nice people there - it was a right laugh !! Went other week and it's a roller skating place now - well weird !!!

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Lol this threads bringing back memories, i remember the sabres, me and my mates used to go down on a Saturday afternoon to see them.

I can also remember Tracey and how good he was on his blades, my memory`s a right shocker these days but can anyone remember vinny in the jeans that looked like rags?

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