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Did you skate in the 80's (Queens rd rink)?

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God this brings back memories.

Went with school one afternoon in 1984 and that was it, I was hooked. Went every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday till summer 1987. Me and my mates met some very unsuitable lads from Donny and went out with them on and off all that time. I remember loads of the names mentioned although didn't really know them - spent most of the time snogging behind the DJ stand:thumbsup:Only emerged for the speedskate session.

I remember my mum telling me off as I wouldn't put my skates in a bag - insisted on carrying them in my hand - thought I was so cool. In fact they are still in the loft - Bauer Turbos. The box says £47.99. Lot of money for then, still not sure how I persuaded my mum to buy them.

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I went to the Skates from about 75 onwards for a few years almost every night if I could. I remember when the Ice Hockey team started with the Radio Halam DJ Colin Maitland who was Canadian I think. we had our first game at Altringham I think and lost but what a great feeing to be "in the Lancers team". I thought I was soooo cool but probably not..I also remember other team players being Mad Mick, Phil Padget, the twins..racking my brains for the others.

There was also a DJ there called Mick Dale in the Mid seventies..Anyone remember him?

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a pile of us used to go to silver blades from Barnsley every sunday in mid 80's.

there was couple of guys older than me, Ady a bandy legged ugly kid n his brother but good skaters,some girls from wilthorpe in Barnsley and me, remember hasslin my parents for some Bauer blades cos the plastic blue ones you could hire were crappy.

remember "church of the poisoned mind" by culture club was played a lot if that gives you idea of the years we were there.

Used to love goin there, recon i was about 14/15 years old.we used to come in to bus station by sheaf baths barnsley to sheffield for 10p lol, then walk up to queens road.

Good Times!


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  • 3 weeks later...

I loved going to Silver Blades. We used to go most Wednesday evenings and my mates would go on Sat nights too (but I babysat!) I used to go with Sara, Emma, Karen, Sue, Lisa and Helen.


I remember blonde Ian who was in the Sabres - my mate Emma fancied him, and dating a guy called Jonathan Hollis - there were two of them - one dark haired and one with mousey brown with a floppy fringe who was a big U2 fan (one of the causes of mine and my best friends' falling out!) who I was completely infatuated with.


Music from there - Rain or Shine Five Star, True Blue The Final Countdown. Living on a prayer.


I also met Ricky Simmonds there (Ant Jones from Grange Hill) who was a right heartthrob at the time and if you are a facebook friend of mine, the pic is in my yesteryear pics lol.

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