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Just got back... match report and pics will be up shortly.


The whole team impressed. The CM pairing of Nalis and Monty worked wonderfully. Ifill has made some new fans from the comments from those sat around me. Kabba still looked quick to go to ground. Anyway, more later.


Back to typing up my report and uploading pictures :)

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Good result, and although I don't want to be the first to say let's not get carried away I remember beating a good Spurs side this time last year 2-1 and thinking Wow! Forte looks great, he will be one for next season, we know the rest.


I do feel optomistic with the new signings, although looking today at other teams captures it's going to be even more difficult than last season. Cardiff and leeds have made some big changes and although they need time to gell together they have the players to do it.


All eyes on next sat then, ooooh i'm getting all tingly inside. Finally, the season is here!!!!!

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Got some good pictures of the ground improvements... here's a few pictures (I'll link to them as they are rather large.)


Bramall Lane End


South Stand


South Stand Seating (or lack of it)


BLUT Seating


Match review is a bit big to post but can be found in the usual place.


All in all, I'm a happy bunny going into the season. Despite the fact they've got rid of crappy Carlsberg only to replace it with the even crappier Fosters!


Roll on the new season and up the Blades.

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Originally posted by saxon51

That's quite alright. Pleased to help. Besides, can't leave anything for the W*dn*sd*y faithful to criticise can we.:P


The words "W*dn*sd*y" and "faithful" don't belong in the same sentence mate :)


Can't wait for next Saturday, you'd think a girl would find something better to do with her weekends but seems not.

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Originally posted by Norton


Can't wait for next Saturday, you'd think a girl would find something better to do with her weekends but seems not.


I'll refrain from answering that so as not to be branded a dirty old man.


Enjoy the season, it'll be a good 'un!:thumbsup:

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With the start of the new season does anybody think we should start a new thread. A few months ago somebody tried to get this thread shut down after it got past 20 odd pages as they thought it was too big. They got told to sod off but a few people said we should keep this thread going until the start off the coming season. I'm happy either way.

What do you lot think?

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