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With a memory going back all those years, you'll no doubt remember the disgrace that was brought not only to your club and the good city of Sheffield, but to the game itself, by Sheffield Wednesday players Tony Kaye, David (Bronco) Layne and Peter Swan in the 60's when they were jailed for match rigging.


We keep on hearing about the 'Boxing Day Massacre' (70's) but strangely, the memories of you people conveniently does not extend back to the 60's.


OK, we've had our ups and downs, but I can safely state that no United player has ever stooped that low.


I do remember well the bribery scandals and the disgrace that it brought to my team. I also remember reports that the practice of betting against one's team was rife in the game - hence the very severe penalties given against the Owls players in order to set an example. Do you remember the Aussie cricketers betting against themselves in the Old Trafford test during the Botham Ashes series? Not much difference really and nothing happened to them.

Unless you are a clairvoyant you cannot "safely state that no United player has ever stooped that low", this is sheer conjecture m'lud, only that one has never been caught.

However there are no excuses for the Olws players did and they paid for it, although compared to the blatant corruption that is blatantly practiced in Italian football their offence was almost a misdemeanour.

Time to let it go, it was half a lifetime ago.

As for the BDM - it still hurts doesn't it?

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BAD boy Blade David Unsworth has said sorry to team-mates as he begins his three match suspension.

The defender's apology was made to the dressing room in the wake of the 4-1 defeat by Watford on Monday.

The repercussions of his red card and the ban will begin to sink in tomorrow at Plymouth.

Manager Neil Warnock admitted he would have rested veteran centre back Craig Short, if Unsworth and Derek Geary were available.

Geary is out having been cautioned five times in matches.

Said Warnock: "David Unsworth made a poor decision to get himself sent off and he regrets it and he has aplogised to the players, quite rightly.

"Losing him might be a blessing in disguise, we could be more positive and use the likes of Tonge or Quinn or all these other people who are busting a gut to get in.

"I don't get disappointed when things like that happen. When Morgan was sent off it opened the door for Craig Short. "The only thing is that we're thin on the ground for the next three games until he's back in the squad."

Warncock could put Leigh Bromby at right back tomorrow with Rob Kozluk partnering him on the left. Chris Armstrong may be given role on the left side of midfield.I think with the turmoil going on at QPR we should try for ****tu

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Nah - I reckon those posts were removed because everyone is sick of witnessing the conversation between a couple of members who were wasting Forum space with posts relating to buying / selling tickets for the match at Swillsborough.


May I suggest eBay for this in future ??


Oh BTW, it is mr_lue_bowl as he seems fond of re-arranging letters.


I can tell you that you are wrong!


The posts were removed due to MarkB's childish little threats towards me for not providing him with tickets on his demands...........



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Quote forma PM form Matt1889:

Might just send a good mate of mine round to deal with you, cos Ive got your address remember!



Anyways, back on to blades. Is anyone actually travelling down to plymouth tomorrow for the game?


Also has anybody noticed it is taking ages to view this thread now? Is it just my internet connection or is it same for all? Maybe its something to do with 280odd pages with this thread now?

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Pericard has gone to Plymouth & will be playing along with Nalis,you know what happens about previous players playing against there former clubs,I hope not.UP THE MIGHTIER BLADES

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