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Bloody Arsenal. We should have won really. Still, mustn't grumble.


Ref was awful from both teams' point of view. Didn't think Bergkamp deserved a red, but thought Van Persie warranted more than a yellow for the challenge on Monty. He gave some dodgy decisions in our favour too.


Maybe, just maybe, sneak a 1-0 at The Lane.

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for everyone's info akinbye is going to cost £350,000 rising to £600,000 if we go up- looks like he will sign early this week.


Plus johnstone is on his way to the lane, BUt they are leaving it as late as possibly because he can only come on loan for a certain number of days so the later they leave it = the more games he can play.


top top game on saturday- i think we gave them a really good game and that we didn't look outclassed very often until they started playing one touch football then there movement just left us standing!!!! Can't believe cullips goal was dissallowed but saying that i can't believe he sent off dennis for a push when it was reyes that delivered a slap (although it was a total girl slap!!), im just happy to get them back to the lane now- i don;t think we will have the luxury of playing against the 2nd squad next week now that chelsea are out cos wenger will want to win the FA cup now- its there only chance of winning anything this year.


Come on u blades!!!!

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Wenger the Whinger stated that he would field the same team more or less as it is good exersise for his younger players. Now it is quite obvious that this could well be their only chance of any silverware this season so he is taking a gamble. Hopefully we will get a full house at the Lane. Ticket office: Why don't you open the Laver stand fully instead of subjecting people to passport type searches to get in the end section?! We may fill it up then.


No doubt all the 'supporters' will come out of the woodwork for this one, so it will be hard pushed unless you a mate of a season ticket holder or you want to que at 5am to get in first.

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Originally posted by duffman

. Ticket office: Why don't you open the Laver stand fully instead of subjecting people to passport type searches to get in the end section?! We may fill it up then.


Did you miss that flare hitting that little girl on the head mate?? thats why u have to be searched.

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The Daily Mirror today showed photo's of Bergkamp with his right hand under Cullip's throat,also show's Cullip clipping Fabrigas's head,although Cullip said he did not catch him on purpose,the pics do show Cullip's heel on the boot catching him on the side of the head,but there was no blood,so contact would be minimal at the least.Reyes slapped Cullip & Liddel & if the FA do there job Reyes should be banned for 3 matches,also Fabrigas should have been sent off for the leg breaking tackle on Montogomery,also I am not sure if it was Tonge or Jags said a Arsenal defender spat at him,you could clearly see the utd player saying he spat on me,will this be entered as evidence as well.Wenger said Bergamp only pushed Cullip well mate that is a sending off offence in itself ,the law states you raise a hand you get a red card.Well done to the Mirror cameraman for showing Mr Wenger he was wrong.UP THE BLADES

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Originally posted by scottf

Did you miss that flare hitting that little girl on the head mate?? thats why u have to be searched.


I was there, but this was over two seasons ago now and you by searches I meant you used to have to give forms of ID to buy a ticket for that area. It can be regulated but United just want to put people off sitting there rather than trying to get fans in.

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