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Hey girls- anyone remember Aqua manda perfume?

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I remember this - My mum wore it all through the 70's (especially when she went to the Fiesta on a Saturday night!) - I had forgotten all about it til reading this post! I used to think it must be really glam if MY mum wore it. If we were going out, she'd let me have a bit on - loved that smell. Brought back some good memories!

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Maybe I should organise an Aqua Manda sniff in at my place- should I charge?

How much would anyone be willing to pay to smell this stuff and re-live old memories?

I wonder if anyone else has smells they would like to sniff again?

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  • 2 weeks later...

We were only reminissing (excuse spelling) about Aqua Manda at work this week and I came across this thread. Oh what memories it brings back. I can remember the bubble bath in a plastic orange and brown bottle. You thought you were "it" if you had Aqua Manda. One girl at work still has a small bottle of perfume in a brown bottle with brown flowery plastic top. Cant smell much of it though now after all these years.

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How strange that I should see this thread today.

My mum went to an auction earlier this week and bought a few boxes of junk, in one of them was this funny little bottle of scent - yes, Aqua Manda of course.

I hadn't a clue what it was (too young - and too male), but she got quite excited when she realised what she'd got.


For what its worth, I wasn't too keen on it myself - I'm waiting to find out what my wife (29, so she's not encountered it before) thinks of it.

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  • 1 year later...

Have just read this thread and am still laughing at jomarch's comment about the Aqua Manda 'sniff in' at her house! It's strange - I was thinking about this perfume not so long ago and wondering if they still made it. I can just barely remember the smell - very orangey but nice! I remember having some when I was at college - it was THE perfume of the day! Sad about it not being sold anymore.

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