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Hey girls- anyone remember Aqua manda perfume?

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I remember Kiku- I once got some talcum powder (remember that?) that came in a big round yellow ball with a fluffy brush thing. Priceless!!


I think I still have one of those big round yellow balls complete with puffy thing. It'll be buried deep in the recesses of my wardrobe along with other ancient treasures. lol. I don't think there's any powder left in my kiku ball though.

I also had aqua manda (not sure if I still have the bottle with either contents or part contents). Then there was Coty L'aimont......the pink creamy stuff which you applied by dibbing a stick in, which was fixed to the lid of the bottle. I've still got some of that and it smells just as nice now as it did all those years back. I loved soir du paris in that beautiful midnight blue glass bottle. I also loved Devon violets. I've still got some fleurs du monde as well. Can't remember who made that.


You've set me off now.......I shall have to go and have a dig around to see exactly whats hiding in the back of that wardrobe. lol.


I know I have some black leather knee high boots with wedge heels from the early 70's. I've also still got a long black frock from the same era. Talk about a squirrel eh? lol.

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oh my god i had all those things you spoke about.I wish i had a pound for everytime i got a mouthful of talc from the big fluffy powder puff what about esta laude youth dew Only warn on special occasions i work in a shop and sometimes the old bids come in wreaking of it. now think it smells like cat pee however did i like the smell.It also used to stain your clothes as it was brown in colour

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yes i remember aqua manda perfume but sorry I can't help with your enquiry I was hoping you could help me with a post you made some time ago about a dentist by the name of Stephen Cooper. I just wondered if you knew where he worked in about 2006

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Adama- I'm sorry but I haven't been to that practice since about 2003, so wouldn't have been his patient in 2006. I'm not sure if the practice would have been there then or not. I don't know if he's still there now either.

Maybe you could start a new thread.

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Oh my ! Got me thinking of old perfumes now !

Do you remember Charlie ? That was very popular in the sevenites, loved it, we all did :hihi:

I loved Tweed but it was more sophisticated :hihi:and Tabu !!! remember that I loved it and thought it was very bohemian :D


can still buy charlie, although theres about 7 ish of them now, the red one was always my fav!

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