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Graffiti projects?

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i've tried this on the sheffield graffiti thread, but no joy, so i thought i'd ask here...


does anyone know of any projects/workshops/spaces etc in sheffield where graffiti can be done legit?


i'm looking for something for a 14 y/o lad - mum and dad won't be too happy if he gets into bother doing it, in fact they're looking for something to keep him out of bother and he has an interest in graffiti.


this sin't a thread re: the rights and wrongs of graffiti, or to discuss the potential of getting into trouble - that's for the lad and his parents to think about, but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



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the reason the ball courts is bieng mentioned is that would be a good place to start, its not that we egnored your request.

i do workshops, and graffiti has its elegall side but can be usefull in workshops to stere a youngster who may find out that he has a creative talent, to channel his energy into somthing artistic. did he go to sharrow festival where the graffiti artists where?

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thanks for your replies. it's a young person who i know about through work, rather than someone i know personally, so i know very little about him and don't know if he went to the festival. i was looking at it from the angle of him being creative and having an interest in this area.

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The trouble with graffiti 'art' is that the canvas is always somebody elses poperty - be that private or public buildings. Not many graffiti vandals have got jobs and can't buy their own walls. Maybe you should be encouraging the lad to do something productive and useful for his community and tell him to grow up - scribbling on walls is really a thing for toddlers.:roll:

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The trouble with graffiti 'art' is that the canvas is always somebody elses poperty - be that private or public buildings. Not many graffiti vandals have got jobs and can't buy their own walls. Maybe you should be encouraging the lad to do something productive and useful for his community and tell him to grow up - scribbling on walls is really a thing for toddlers.:roll:


maybe you should read my op again, particularly the last paragraph, and save your views for an appropriate thread, because although you're entitled to your opinion, this is clearly not what i asked for on this particular thread and your comments are therefore off-topic. thank you.


edit: i wouldn't tell any of the young people that i work with to 'grow up'. they're children and entitled to enjoy their childhood. if you re-read my op, you'll note how i specifically addressed the legal aspects of graffiti in terms of what i was requesting.

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where did that statement come from about graffiti ARTIST'S not having jobs?


Pretty much every single writer i know has a job,and a succesfull one.And they are also NOT kids,they are over the age of 20,and mature adults,who can choose what they wish to do.


This goes for most writers in the world,not just sheffield


Just because we choose to write our name on whatever we see fit does not mean we are lowlife scum,or un-employed,or homeless or whatever else you want to call us,cretins,idiots etc etc....we have already grown up,live with it.


If the council actualy let us build our own walls then maybe we would?But all this hatred towards graffiti,legal or illegal is so strong,that if we were millionares wanting to build our own walls for graffiti we wouldnt be able too.Because supposedly we are encouraging illegal activities that ruin lives.....Bull-****.


And having a dig at peoples spelling and grammar is so pathetic.Proves you have no point to make and just want to cause trouble,you obviously dont know a single thing about graffiti and never will.



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i've tried this on the sheffield graffiti thread, but no joy, so i thought i'd ask here...


does anyone know of any projects/workshops/spaces etc in sheffield where graffiti can be done legit?


i'm looking for something for a 14 y/o lad - mum and dad won't be too happy if he gets into bother doing it, in fact they're looking for something to keep him out of bother and he has an interest in graffiti.


this sin't a thread re: the rights and wrongs of graffiti, or to discuss the potential of getting into trouble - that's for the lad and his parents to think about, but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.




This may be helpful.....




There is also the NonStop Foundation. Unfortunately, I can't find a working link to their website.


Contact -

NonStop Foundation

Unit 1,

Rutland Court,

161 Rutland Road,


S3 8UB


tel: 0114 272 2491



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