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Bottled water, should we buy it?

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We are lucky enough to lie in a country with a clean, safe water supply yet bottled water is one of the fastest growing industries in the country.

It is bad for the environment, plastic bottles, transport fumes. So WHY do we spend so much every year on the stuff? WHY when surveys have shown that most people can't tell the difference do we opt for this obvious con?



Do you drink bottled or tap water?

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Tap water for me... don't see the point of buying water in plastic bottles when you can get the same stuff for cheaper from the tap. Also, there are the environmental issues you raised that are also a factor. I've only ever bought bottled water when I have been abroad in countries where it is advised not to drink the tap water.

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Well I'll keep buying it when I'm out and need a drink as I'm not about to risk dehydration! But the bottles get saved for when I'm at work or home and can fill up from the tap - Sheffield water is like nectar - beautiful and clear and fresh. :love:


I've a delicate palate though (bless ;) ). If I'm in London, I only drink bottled water, even boiled their water is just vile and full of chlorine.:gag: I've had water almost as good as ours up in North Yorkshire and Scotland though, apart from near Settle where the water is well eggy...:suspect:

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I've been bewildered on several occasions when with right-on new-agey organic vegan carbon-neutral people, who appear almost supersticiously terrified of tap water, which they insist is full of 'toxins' (or has had the 'minerals' removed, it's either one or the other.) Yet when you mention to them the environmental impact of shipping that heavy weight over from some other country, they seem to go blank. Added to which, if the bottle isn't marked 'natural mineral water' then it will not have had to pass any legal standards or tests, which doesn't seem to bother them. Strange people, logic is not their friend.

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I like nice cold water so I bought myself a litte water cooler, which I top up with tap water. I can't really tell the difference between tap and bottled.


My ma in law used to drink cooled tap water, but we had a phase when the tap water stank of chlorine and she refused to drink it. She'll now only drink bottled water, though I sometimes cheat and give her some from the water cooler, and she doesn't seem to notice. But she has bottled in the fridge in her bedroom and in the summer house.

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