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Bottled water, should we buy it?

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Evian backwards spells naive:D


Spot on! I have seen discussions about this on TV in which the experts agreed that there was no discernible difference between it and tap water. The ultimate emperors new clothes syndrome, depressing really.

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Tap water usually.


Bottled if out & thirsty - people who constantly drink from bottles make me laugh...I want to hide the bottle to see what happens to them when they dehydrate:hihi:...do you think they spontaneously combust or just turn to powder?


When it's hot :roll: I put cheap bottled in the water dispenser in the fridge because there's nothing better than an icy cold glass of water but tap water has sediment that sinks to the bottom of the dispenser so you get a glass of mud :gag:

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Sheffield water is lovely. Unfortunately, I now live in a very hard water area, and the tap water tastes foul (and furs up the shower and washing machine). I use a filter for the water that goes in the kettle, and buy bottled fizzy water for drinking otherwise.


Being brought up on the Sheffield stuff, it's a very hard act to follow.

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  • 3 years later...

No, never buy bottled water. Far too expensive and not worth the money, and the plastic bottles are not environmentally friendly!


I used to use the water dispenser in my fridge but that packed up, so i went for a water dispenser that connects straight to your mains water supply and provides both hot and cold water at the touch of a button.


Much cheaper and alot handier around the kitchen. :)

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We are lucky enough to lie in a country with a clean, safe water supply yet bottled water is one of the fastest growing industries in the country.

It is bad for the environment, plastic bottles, transport fumes. So WHY do we spend so much every year on the stuff? WHY when surveys have shown that most people can't tell the difference do we opt for this obvious con?



Do you drink bottled or tap water?






Bottled water, should we buy it?

Must be daft!

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Well I'll keep buying it when I'm out and need a drink as I'm not about to risk dehydration! But the bottles get saved for when I'm at work or home and can fill up from the tap - Sheffield water is like nectar - beautiful and clear and fresh. :love:


I've a delicate palate though (bless ;) ). If I'm in London, I only drink bottled water, even boiled their water is just vile and full of chlorine.:gag: I've had water almost as good as ours up in North Yorkshire and Scotland though, apart from near Settle where the water is well eggy...:suspect:


sheffield uni water is however:gag: maybe that is because I live in the severn trent area (much better than shef water). I bring tap water from home but will not drink the tap water at work!

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