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Friends and Family SHAW

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I am a Lancashire Lad Born and Bred and proud of it, my name is Anthony Robinson (Tony) my Mother was a Yorkshire Lass Doris Shaw, Sister to (Harold, Alfred, Eric, Ken,(Les / Rufus as he is known) Earnest,and Frank, Sister Blanche, all children of (Thomas William and Mary ellen Shaw) all but Uncle Les have now passed away, I still have dozens of relatives in and around Sheffield, there are not many places that the family have not lived in, Attercliffe, Beighton, Handsworth, Darnall, Intake, Woodhouses, Gleadless,Arbourthome, Killamarsh, Eckington Etc.if you did not or do not know one of the Family then you are not true Yorkshire Folk, as far as I know, Mam was born in Woodhouse,they lived in the Workhouse Yard as it was formerly known, nothing to do with the Workhouse but ! I believe it ended up as Sally Clarkes due to the farm being owned by the Clarke Family, Mam was born in 1911, and went to School in Woodhouse, they moved onto the Woodthorpe Estate later in life, at 15 Mossborough Rd, they still went to Woodhouse School, Grandad Thomas William was very well known,(Foreman Shaw) when he died in the early 50's his funeral was not far short of Princess Diana's, Harold and Ken were both well known Boxers and have fought many a bout in London and the once Bellvue which has hosted such names as Rocky Marciano, Joe Louis, Floyd Patterson, Sugar Ray Robinson, Bombadier Billy Wells, and many many more, Stalone was not good enough to grace the ring there, it used to stand proudly in Manchester, it had everthing for a full day out, Zoo, Fairground with the Bobs, it was just like the Big One in Blackpool is now,Speedway some the Worlds Greatist have raced there, and Stockcar Racing , Dancing, Boxing and Wrestling (Billy Robinson)with many more World Famous names on the Bill Posters,anyone got one of them now must be sitting on a fortune, most of the Lads worked as did most, down the PIT, most of them volunteered to join the Army when War broke out as did most British Men and Women,not to much to choose from the Army or the Pit they all did their bit as we say, but Alfred was a Medic at Dunkirk, wading back and forth with his mate, who I am sorry I do not know his name, to bring back the weak and exhausted who were out in the Sea waiting to board whatever boats came to bring our Army back to Blighty, he and his mate was awarded the Military Medal for their bravery,Alfred also was decorated in peacetime he saved someone from drowning in a pond ? thousands upon thousands deserved the same Wartime recognition but they failed to be noticed by whom it was officiated, after the War, which all of them were lucky to return, as well as other members of the family who had married into the now army of Shaws and other wedlock names, Albert Birch married Blanche, he was captured by the Japanese, and was a prisoner of War, he was close to Hiroshima when the Bomb went off, he was taken into Hiroshima within hours of the devastation and was helping all he could to save lives of the very enemy who had tortured and killed many of his mates, he never did forgive the Japanese for it, after 6yrs he was rescued,and he too came home from the War,he was known as Tal. one of his best mates in the P.O.W. Camp was Curly Havenard, my Dad Harold Robinson was also in the army in the Royal Artillary, I was taken into London during the Blitz, all other children were taken out of London and sent to live with Families all over Britain, some even went as far as Austrailia, with Dad being on the Big Guns firing at the Germans in Callais he managed to get the odd break in London, till he was shipped accross to fight in Italy, Dad was also lucky to come home after the War, all but Les have now passed away, Mam (Doris) was the last one she died on the 28th of December last year 95yrs old, all have joined their brave mates who went many years before, we still have dozens of us left, but we are not the same breed as they were, we have been softend up with the luxuries of life, like most of us being able to feed our families with a minimum of trouble, clothing them in decent clothes, first up best dressed has gone long ago, except for the ones who are still struggling, who I apologise to for any offensive remarks throughout this thoughts of years gone bye, we had quite a few sportsmen in the family, From Boxers to Wrestlers to Footballers, I have got to mention Fishermen, to save any comebacks, stiil quite a few of the family are keeping up the tradition in all the sports, for those I have not praised or given recogniton of their acheivments I once again apologise, living in Lancashire in and after the War we had different school holidays, I was then shipped off to Sheffield only to be sent to school over there, my Sister Evelyn Robinson was there all through the War, so some of you may remember one or both of us at Woodthorpe School, I used to come and go between Manchester and Sheffield quite a lot, many is the time I have sat on the steps at the High Noon on Woodthorpe listening to Rufus(Les) singing his head off, or the Nags Head in Killamarsh waiting for members of the Family to be thrown out, as well as running up and down the eight foots, we did not have them in Lancashire, Family names with wedded bliss and integration between the War of the Roses, for those who are still guessing, between Lancashire and Yorkshire,(not to be obtrusive)Yorkshire and Lancashire, The Yorkies, ( Shaw, Birch,Howell, Sorsby,Stead, Guites,Shepherd,Haigh and Marsters. yes Geoff Birch is one of us,) Lancastrians Robinson.Sutton,Nangle, Murphy, Ambrose, Cromwell, not Olivers relatives, we also have family in South Africa and Austrailia from the Yorkshire side of the Family, and all over the U.S.A. from the Lancashire contingent, Norfolk Park was well populated with the Family, as was Parsons Cross, Eric or Thomas Shaw ring a bell with any of you, All this started because I noticed a caption on Albert Peirpoint, Albert was born a Lancastrian, he was the Public Hangman as was his Father befrore him I think it went further back but not to sure, he lived just around the corner from me in Hollinwood Oldham, he ran the Poor Struggler Public House for quite a while, I have spent many an hour tidying up his crates and bottles in the Pub Yard for Bob A Job week in my time in the Cubs and Scouts, one story I must relate to you is my mate John Widdall and myself were coming home from the pictures in November around 1950, there was a Bonfire at the back of Alberts pub,we went to have a look,Albert spotted us and called us to come and join them,we got a Lemonade and some Black Peas, there was a Tea Chest full of Fireworks which Albert had bought to give his regulars and everyone a treat, it went something like this,lid off Firework out lid back on Firework lit. lid off Firework out lid back on Firework lit, lid off FIREWORK OUT LID LEFT OFF, Firework lit, everyone watching the Roman Candle shooting high into the air, I lit a flying imp and threw it into the air, for those that do not know what a flying imp was, you lit it let it fiz then throw it away skywards,it went well into the air then came down again sparking its little head off, yep you've guessed it right into the Tea Chest, there must have been quite a few quids worth in there, the rest of the Fireworks did not seem to like Flying Imps, because they all seemed to get upset and come flying out of the Tea Chest all at the same time and go all over the place, being a good runner and knowing Alberts job I got hold of John's coat and away we went, we did not show our faces for a week or two afterwards, Albert asked my Dad why we had not been going to work in the Pub Yard,so wether or not he knew it was us and had forgiven us, I think he must have thought it was the Roman Candle, till this day we do not know, but we certainly was not going to ask him, later in life Albert moved away and the Poor Struggler closed down, that must be when Albert decided to move over the hills to Sheffield, we saw him on occasions, as some of his family lived down our drive, Ann, Bernadette and John, they moved after a while and we never saw Albert again, he was getting on in years by now,I never knew till I read on this site today that he had a Couple of shops otherwise I would have called in to see him on one of my many trips to get wet on your side of the Big Hills, anyone who remembers any of the Family please feel welcome to update and reply to these few words, all the better if any of your Families tie in with ours. Bye 4 now Tony

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could I sugest you re-post this message with quite a few paragraph breaks?


I started to read it as I do know some Shaw people from Sheffield but it was too difficult to read.


Try and break it in to 3 or 4 line line paragraphs - I'm sure you will get a much better response.

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