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Can anyone help out a first timer with gyms?

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im thinking of joining a gym.


and having only ever been to a gym twice with a group of girls i worked with (it was the student gym where i lived at the time) i found it quite intimidating,

as its not normally the thing i go in for, however i've decided recently i want to get fit,properly fit not just dancing all night.


i have an unbelievable dislike of children,dont really want muscle just toning and fitness, i do enjoy activities quite a lot as i have a short attention span,and of course im a woman so sauna facilities are important to me.


so based on this outline what can people recommend? i live in sharrow and dont drive so somewhere easy to get to would be good.



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Go and have a trial at Supreme fitness.

They have 2 gyms in town, one on Cambridge St opposite Coles (John Lewis) and one top of Moor.

I use first one - lots of CV equipment - just what you want.

Depending which membership you take, you can have a personal trainer every time you go and it's not expensive compared to other gyms.

It only has showers though!

The other gym has a studio and does loads of classes - all included in memebrship and I'm not sure if that one has a sauna.

Staff are really brilliant.

First gym 275 5733

Other 2700977


Ask for Kelly (mngr) or Rob


Good luck

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