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Hi Is there any one out there who has had hair extensions that could give me some advice regarding them. My daughter Is wanting them done , she as got short hair, can they be done on short hair ? do they damage your hair if she doesnt like them can they be taken out ? any Info would be great. Many thanks .

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Hi Vicky and John

I have been fitting hair extensions for a few years so hopefully should be able to answer your questiions.

Firstly, when you say short, how short do you mean?

The natural hair needs to be long enough to tie up really or you get a very obvious line where the natual hair sits over the top of the hair extensions.

Whether they damage your hair depends on a few things....the method they are applied by, how they are fitted (how good the technician is) and most importantly..how they are treated once fitted. Hair extensions have to be looked after and a lot of people pick at the bonds etc or try to remove them themselves and this is when the problems/damage occurs. Also, having good quality hair fitted means less tangling so less pulling with a brush.

If your daughter had them fitted and then didn't like them they can be taken out. I would advise against the fusion method (glued in) as the 'glue' takes a while to gradually weaken, and trying to remove these after only a week or so would be difficult and could cause damage.

A lot of people when thinking of hair extensions automatically want to go as long as possible - 18 or 22 inches. I would also recommend against this.

10 or 14 inches are still long, look a lot more natural and take much less looking after. Don't forget when thinking of what length you require, to measure from where the hair starts growing, low down at the back of the neck...not at the top of the head as some people do.

If she really isn't sure, she could always try some clip ins to start with, to see how she feels about them.

If you want any advice on good quality hair etc then just ask.

A lot of the hair available in the shops is fine for clip ins that are just worn occassionally but not good for 'proper' hair extensions as it is coated in silicon to make it soft...and as soon as that washes off it feels awful and constantly tangles.

Hope this helps a little.


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Thanks for that Sarah, we have been looking at your Website today. On one side her hair Is Jaw length & the other side Is shorter she had It shaved last year so Its at the messy stage now. So would you advice her to wait untill later In the year when Its a bit longer . Thanks

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Yes I would recommend that she waits a while to be honest.

Extensions can look great, but they can also look terrible!

Some people will offer to fit them no matter how short your hair is (just to get the money) but I would much rather be honest with people.

My advice would be to wait a little longer (I know it's frustrating but worth the wait) and then go for something like 10 inches fitted to start with.

Depending on how thick her hair is, it might only take one weft of 10" hair for a full head, so the prices on my site would be less (as the prices allow for two wefts). 14 or 18 inch would definitely take 2 wefts.

I would suggest that she also has them fitted with shrinkies or micro rings. These are less damaging than fusion and comfier to wear (the shrinkies are the most comfortable), and easier to remove if she changes her mind.

As I said before, extensions do need to be looked after, and they aren't for everyone.

I would also recommend good quality hair such as the Bohyme Celeb Elite. People think I recommend this as it is more expensive, but it really doesn't make any difference to me what so ever. I charge the same for fitting regardless of the hair used.

Also, if the Bohyme Celeb Elite is looked after well, it can be removed after three months, re-tipped and re-fitted, so the second fitting costs less. The odd few people have even managed a third fitting with the same hair! This makes it more cost effective than the lower quality hair.

Any more questions, please feel free to ask.


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If your daughters hair is fine then once it all gets around jaw length then it should be ok to fit extensions.

If it is really thick and only jaw length it may have to thinned out first so the extensions blend in better. Although if it is really thick then it may need to be a little longer really for the extensions to look their best.



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