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The Hairdressers/Barbers megathread - Do not advertise in here

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Does anyone know a decent hair salon that isn't really expensive?


I want to get my hair cut and highlighted. I might also need the old colour stripping out first.


I don't normally get my hair done, so I don't know where to start. But, looking at the ones around the city centre, it might set me back £85+!! :confused:


Can anyone recommend a good one? Don't mind going out of my way to find it.


Thanks for your help :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have 17 month old twin boys that need their first hair cut. I'm likely to be taking them on my own :help: so I really do need somewhere/one that is good with small toddlers and a reasonable price too.


If anyone can recommend someone nearby or even a mobile hairdresser that covers this area I'd be very grateful.




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I've taken both my kids to Fella's in Hillsbro since they were around that age. If you go in early morning (when they first open) it's usually nice and quiet - the two lads there are really good and patient, my little boy thinks he's so cool when he styles his hair for him :)

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I'm posting on behalf of a friend who is at her wits end with her hair, she has pretty long damaged hair, the damage has led to pieces of her hair breaking off causing shorter sections of hair. She had very fine hair and doesn't want to make a drastic change to the length of her hair so is terrified of visiting a hairdresser who is going to chop it all off and leave her with short fine hair. In the s6/s35 area but willing to travel, thanks.

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