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Best time to exercise ???

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I like morning exercise especially in the summer. When riding to work on my bike it's more enjoyable as you don't get as hot and sweaty as if out in midday. Not that I mind getting hot and sweaty, it's just when we have no showers at work I dont think my colleagues would appreciate it.

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It all depends what your training for.

I would NOT workout before breakfast (unless you are experienced and have traid this before) as you have already been fasting whilst sleeping, exercise will only cause further and increased breakdown of muscle mass (wich is no good for body composition); fat to muscle ratrio. Although exercising in the morning, does burn fat more effectiveley than exercising in the evening.


If you wre doing weight for whatever reason or taking part in an intense training session for sports, i would train slightly later in the day (late afternoon) when you have eaten more and have more energy available from food. traning at this time also allows you to ge in a few more meals, wich will aid towards your recovery. - always eat after exercise


as for duration. first 15-20 min your body will use carbs stored in the liver and muscles (glycogen) - 20 min onwards you will use fat stores, around the 50 min mark your body will start to increase the rate at wich you are breaking down muscle.


Tip for the cross trainer, try standing / holding differently, wich will work the muscle from different angles. also vary your pace and duration as you feel (get your body preforming differently)

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NOT True some studies have shown that early morning exercise is actually not good for you!. it all depends on what your goals are and how often you work out


it's not that it's NOT true, it's just that different studies have produced different results (which you allude to yourself), and there are therefore competing theories. you'd have to llok at the whole design of the studies, rather than just the results in order to gain a more comprehensive view.


personally i work out when i can, which is generally in the mornings (weekdays) about 30 mins after i wake (bodyweight exercises), mid morning at the weekend (weight-training), and evenings (martial arts, weights).

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