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Do you Tip?

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I think it's down to service, not subsidising poor income.


For example, a waiter / waitress could just plod along doing their job without going beyond what they actually have to do.


Doing that, hardly anyone would tip them. If they provided a good service, went out of their way to help you and make it a more pleasant experience (and showed a friendly smile, etc.) then people would be likely to tip.

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Originally posted by Miss_60

...perhaps but that means that whoever is responsible for their wages, should increase them .....its not up to the customer, to subidise someones income....I work hard in my job but never get tipped


I agree, but certain large companies like to take massive profits and keep their staff below the poverty line. Somethings got to be wrong when the government have to top up these low wages with family credits. Basically it shows how much clout the top companies have with the goverment to dictate that they can pay low wages and the government has to top them up.

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I used to earn bucketloads when I worked at the Unit. All Points North on a Saturday - came home with forty odd quid in tips.


HINT: when people ask if you want a drink (given that the conscientious among us cannot drink whilst working) just put the money away for later.

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We generally tip Taxi drivers up to a £5 if they help us with the shopping.


We tip the Pizza delivery when we order too cos they are really nice people, with excellent service and food! :D


In restaurants my hubby deals with a tip, but we generally only tip if we have enjoyed ourselves. Biggest tip we left was in a carvery in Scarborough - the owner came out and entertained the kids it was really fun for everyone in the restaurant.


Moon Maiden

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Originally posted by Sidla

Why does no-one ever think to tip a barman. I'm working in a hotel for the summer, but rarely get tipped.


There's two ways you could get tips for sure:


1. Be a better barman...

2. Grow breasts and wear short skirts & tight tops...


Your choice.



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