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Nearly there...due on thursday!

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I cant really remember from last time-but what happens towards the end of pregnancy? does movement slow down? do you get tell tale signs down there? do you get out of breath? up every two hours for a wee? tearful?

im due thursday but this baby is wriggling everywhere and im HUGE!!!!!! shouldnt he have settled by now? and whats with getting up at 2am.4am.5am etc.... for the smallest wee ever????

im on the raspberry, eatting the hot food, tramping round m'hall for long walks, painting bedroom walls and staining furniture but still nothing! no baby!

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Awww Luvvy xx

I remember the last few weeks of my pregnancies..

I felt bloomin awful..

Just like you, I felt like my bladder would burst, rushed to the loo and then only pee'd and eggcup full if that, feet in my ribs, terrible heartburn, oh the list goes on..


Try having a bit of 'you know what' ;) ;)..

That worked for me with both pregnancies to start me in labour..;):D :D

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i worry that ill have one of those pre contractions and hurt his bits and bobs as everything tightens-hehe! cant believe am having this conversation hehe!


:hihi: :hihi:

Well a few minutes of pain for him is nothing compared to 9 months of it for you, and the hours you're in labour..:hihi:


Go on, squeeze his bits and bobs..:hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

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If you know you are having a 'lazy boy' I doubt he will make an appearance before Thursday. In my experience it could be another week... minimum!!!




nobody in my family has ever had a boy on time - they have always been 5-10 days late!!



good luck btw....it really is a wonderful experience becoming a mother!!


you will be in awe of him once he has arrived!



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My baby girl who was born 16 days ago, caused chaos until the day she was born, toilet every 5 mins, tiredness like you have never known, still moved around like a kick boxer! (loving my ribs all the way through!) A few days before my waters broke I felt rough, I think my husband posted a thread, but I just felt sick and generally rough.

Like you I was HUGE! hot food did not work, though when my waters finally broke(8 days late) we had just picked up a chinese and had a glass of champagne! maybe that's the secret?:hihi:

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