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What is everyone writing for?

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I've not had a look at the private section of this group yet (I'm waiting for my password), but I wondered what everyone's writing ambitions are. Are you writing with a view to publication, making money (insert hollow laughter here), or just as an enjoyable passtime? I'd be very interested to know where people are in their writing careers.


As for me: I've written for years. I have worked as an editor; have had journalism, non-fiction and short fiction published; and have received some of the nicest rejections possible for my novels. I'm currently regrouping, and deciding where to go next with my writing.

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Hi, I write about anything that comes to mind ,currently working on a sitcom

it's a bit like Last of The summer wine all very innocent and maybe one day it may get screened .Until then my day job stays of interest what do you write about .

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Well, that seems to have shut everyone up!


LOL, we’re like vampires Peacock Lady, we all sleep in the day and only come alive in the evening. Have you met Count Shoeshine? :)


I don’t have any firm writing ambitions, at the moment this is just an “enjoyable” hobby. I agree with Gene Fowler, to a point, that “Writing is easy: All you do is sit staring at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead.”


I’m constantly refining my writing technique and reading lots of other authors to improve my own writing, I’ll probably never be a Tolstoy but could probably hold my own against Geoffrey Archer and Dan Brown. (Anyone read “Demons & angels? – oh my, I could write that!)


The stories that mainly interest me are science fiction that extrapolate the present technology but within a human context, so I guess I want to be the next H.G. Wells – if, by some fortunate coincidence, I do ever get a book published I hope it would be as good as something like “The Time Machine” – a first literary landmark kind of novel, failing that, something that makes LOADS of money would be very nice, although realistically this would be very unlikely.


So, I’m not giving up the day job just yet, which is more or less what everyone advises me when they read my work. :D

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I write journalism and literary fiction, and am fiddling about with some memoir writing. Non-fiction is by far the easiest to sell, though, so I'm working on a couple of proposals at present.


Look forward to seeing your work on here.I write purely for pleasure.

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I've written technical books and articles and earned a reasonable amount from them over the years.


I write short fiction 'for fun' but I'm going to get a collection of short stories published, even if I have to do it myself!

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Hello Peacock Lady. :)


Thank you for joining this disparate Group.


Prior to getting involved with the Group, my "claim to fame" with regard to writing was to be co-author of a technical paper presented to the Institute of Ceramics (re Magnesite Refractories) in London many years ago. It is now, I believe referred to as part of the "Material Sciences" Section involving Metallurgy, Refractories and Ceramics all combined under one label. I may not be up-to-date on that definition...it's a long time ago and labels these days aren't as specific as they used to be.


I have been an avid reader most of my life...I remember at the age of 6 or 7 years reading a tattered book at home. It was Charles Kingsley's story of "The Water Babies", including illustrations. I moved on to read Mark Twain (falling in pre-pubescent love with Becky Thatcher in the Tom Sawyer/Huck Finn novels)....Anna Sewell's "Black Beauty"..."Ivanhoe" etc". Not forgetting of course the labels on Weetabix Cartons, HP Sauce Bottles, Film Fun, Dandy and Beano. :hihi:


As for writing, until this Group started I had never really tried it. I am purely a novice. The other members of the Group have stapled "L" Plates so many times to my chest and back i now resemble a salt-shaker. But I love their inventiveness, ingenuity of ideas and the confidence to "have a go" at entertaining their peers.

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