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School dentist at the top of Prince of Wales road

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Even worse than having a tooth extracted was having one filled.In the old days (1937-1943) the dentist used a low speed drill which looked somewhat like a spinning wheel.The dentist pressed his right foot down on a treadle, which was attached to a large wheel, causing the wheel to rotate.The large wheel was in turn connected via a thin belt to a much smaller wheel that caused the drill to rotate.

If the dentist's right leg got tired, the drill would slow down, and a painful tooth would become even more painful!

Thank Providence for high speed drills and novacaine.

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Prince Edward school dental and medical clinics. The dental section centred on seeing how much pain could a little kid stand. I made at least 4 visits to the "dentist", each time for fillings, with each visit being more painful than the previous one. That woman did not have one ounce of care or feeling for her young patients. After my experience I would not go near a dentist until I was in my 20's. Like many kids in war years and the late 40's. I developed a skin complaint during summer. I used to get whitish blisters forming on the edges of my ears. These used to itch something cruel, so I was sent to the medical centre. Treatment was a yellow liquid applied around the outside of the ear. My problem was stated to be frostbite. The middle of b------ summer, and the bright spark insisted it was frostbite. Like the so called dentist, I ask what sort of qualifications did those people have?

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