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What does "SHEFFIELD" need?


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What Sheffield needs?

1. Less knuckle dragging dick head beer monsters all wearing the same shirt which amazingly doesnt look right on anyone you see it on. :)


2.The fashion Police.


3.Free cattle prods to get those ignorant obnoxious turds to move, y'know, those dicks (usually some shortarse baldy) that know you're there & you need to get past them & they just wont move, like theyre nailed to the floor? Geezus wept, ...better still make pistol whipping legal and a national sport or write to the local MP & petition for baldy midgets with super glue footwear to be made illegal with immediate effect :)

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3.Free cattle prods to get those ignorant obnoxious turds to move, y'know, those dicks (usually some shortarse baldy) that know you're there & you need to get past them & they just wont move, like theyre nailed to the floor? Geezus wept, ...better still make pistol whipping legal and a national sport or write to the local MP & petition for baldy midgets with super glue footwear to be made illegal with immediate effect :)


That one's easy. Just say 'excuse me' loud in their ear while gently shoving them out of the way, then if they start just say 'cheers mate' and walk off. :thumbsup:

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Acid techno :D...ok I know there's not exactly a popular demand for it..but I definately think there should be some more acid techno nights like headcharge or something like leed's riff raff. It seems a lot of the underground dance nights are focused mainly on psy-trance..which I like but would be nice to mix it up a bit. After planet zogg's recent 'free party' at plug doing a mainly acid techno night and it was PACKED..(whether it's due to the acid techno or the freeness im not sure!?)


Anyway...in reference to the above post about the arches re-opening Im hoping there may be some heading our way :)


Aside from that we could do with more ska/punk nights :D

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After planet zogg's recent 'free party' at plug doing a mainly acid techno night and it was PACKED..(whether it's due to the acid techno or the freeness im not sure!?)


Although it was great to hear some acid techno - I'm pretty certain it was more the magic "free" word that brought in over 800 people!




It weird that psy fans tend to think of zogg as a techno night and techno folk seem to think of it as a psy night - I think people get confused when you mix up genres - but its always worked well for zogg...




Anyway...in reference to the above post about the arches re-opening Im hoping there may be some heading our way :)


I'd seen a post about Club Shush - but did I miss one about *The* Arches re-opening?

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Unfortunately im sure it was mainly the free part :( ..I know why i went though :)


I wasnt just referring to zogg being more psy based..I know you mix it up & I've never had a bad night there or been disappointed with the music as such...but I still wouldnt say it's a 50/50 divide between techno & psy..but all that depends on the night & what dj's are on I guess..maybe I've just happened to have stumbled in on the less technoish nights!


Either way I'd like to see a night that's at least 90% techno :) But that's just me..


When I said 'the arches' I meant the large arches (formerly called Void I think)...there's a post about it down the page, 'the second coming of club shushh' it's called. But not open till end of the yr by the looks of it.

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Unfortunately im sure it was mainly the free part :( ..I know why i went though :).


Well hopefuly the night attracted a few as well! In fact it was great to see so many new faces and some faces not seen for many a year ...


I wasnt just referring to zogg being more psy based..I know you mix it up & I've never had a bad night there or been disappointed with the music as such...but I still wouldnt say it's a 50/50 divide between techno & psy..but all that depends on the night & what dj's are on I guess..maybe I've just happened to have stumbled in on the less technoish nights!


Either way I'd like to see a night that's at least 90% techno :) But that's just me...


Glad you enjoy the night...


re: acid techno - I think a lot has to do with who is making music just now. Zogg started as very much a techno-trance night (in the London style of the day - late 90s) - as the years have gone by that scene has pretty much gone - as have many of its similar styles - not that many people make acid techno any more and very few places play it ( locally Riffraff tends to go for a more hard NRG style - and, its been a while since i've been, but I though Headcharge played more that style as well these days). Whereas the psy scene has really taken off since the early 00s and there's lots of different sorts of stuff being produced - which is probably why so many places (relatively speaking) are now playing it - but Zogg has always gone for the tougher, energy side of the spectrum and you wont get too much wibbly wobbly nonsense! Plus we do mix it up and people like Mobile Dogwash are regular guests - which always seems to work well...


When I said 'the arches' I meant the large arches .


ahhh.. for anyone of a certian age *the arches* is very different to the large arches - though good luck to the Club Shush crew.


Anyway.. I'm off to Shamania this year and am looking forward to seeing all the Sheffield crew plus Chris Liberator & DAVE the Drummer for some 303 mayhem!






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Ah..well I'm 20 and I've only been in Sheffield about a year & a half so no I have no idea what 'the arches' are! ...Im intrigued though??


Have a good one at Shamania. No festivals for me this year :(..festival money has had to be exchanged for moving into a new place & a trip to marrakech...altho I will be at music in the sun this weekend so I get a mini fest & some headchargeness :)

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