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What does "SHEFFIELD" need?


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Underground??? Sounds about as underground as the Hemly Moor!


Does need a nice proper deep house night!!


When I say "underground vibe" all I mean is that the people have to be there for the music rather than to get drunk and cop off. Ask Bobby bazzer in the street who Steve Angello is and he wont have scooby doo.

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somewhere like what bed nightclub was, when it was at the top of its game. brilliant dj's every week, people that just want to go for the music. no idots or gangsters just people who want to go for a good night out and listen to some great dj's.

a good sized club which has a dark and a bit of an underground feel to it, nothing covered in bright plastic decour and flashing lights. but then no complete sh*t hole style place either. also needs to have places to wander around as i know lots of people dont like being confined to 1 big room.


bascially a venue like republic (pre refurb) with the music style/atomsphere and clubbers from bed.

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IMO another corp-esque place would rock, only it'd need to be much smaller and with less of the cheesey metal/pop-punk/emo... more just about new music, with some actual good bands. Kinda like the boardwalk when they still held the moon ska tour. But looking at the rest of this thread I can see people with my musical tastes are in the minority. I just reckon Corp feels a bit big and empty since the smoking ban came into effect. :D

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