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What does "SHEFFIELD" need?


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Agree to disagree here mate. Unfortunately none of these nights are nationally or internationally known. To say they make Sheffield is nonsense. However massive local nights.

Headcharge has shown longevity and is very popular.

Razor Stilleto musically sucks but has an appealing image that makes it successful. (my opinion)

Love2be (in its hey day back in the mid 90's), Rise, Jive Turkey and Gatecrasher are the only nights that have really put Sheffield on the map


I disagree mate :)


Whilst I've only been to Headcharge out of the 3 listed by ****, I understand the sentiment. Whether or not the night puts us on the national/international scene or not doesn't matter one bit, it's whether they make Sheffield nightlife the unique treat that it is that counts (should you be prepared to dig a bit deeper). Nights like Scuba, Remedy, Lights Down Low, Pin-up, Cargo, Phonetics, Threads etc etc are/were all high on quality even if they're relatively low profile.

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Agree to disagree here mate. Unfortunately none of these nights are nationally or internationally known. To say they make Sheffield is nonsense. However massive local nights.

Headcharge has shown longevity and is very popular.

Razor Stilleto musically sucks but has an appealing image that makes it successful. (my opinion)

Love2be (in its hey day back in the mid 90's), Rise, Jive Turkey and Gatecrasher are the only nights that have really put Sheffield on the map


National recognition is irrelevant, even though Headcharge attracted people from all over the country.


My point is it's nights like this that tried to do something different, and don't play one type of music all night.


House nights are ten a penny in every city in the UK. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, but my argument is that Razor Stiletto's, C90's and the like are what helps to give Sheffield its character and diversity.


Look at the listings for any weekend, and you'll find 2-4 house nights, a couple of techno and 2-5 indie nights. Really, are they that different from each other to warrant so many?

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I disagree mate :)


Whilst I've only been to Headcharge out of the 3 listed by ****, I understand the sentiment. Whether or not the night puts us on the national/international scene or not doesn't matter one bit, it's whether they make Sheffield nightlife the unique treat that it is that counts (should you be prepared to dig a bit deeper). Nights like Scuba, Remedy, Lights Down Low, Pin-up, Cargo, Phonetics, Threads etc etc are/were all high on quality even if they're relatively low profile.


I wish you would read carefully.

I agreed to disagree, which means simply yes and no.

But to put an end to the debate;

Scuba, Remedy, Lights Down Low, Pin-up, Cargo, Phonetics, Threads are good underground nights but they did not make Sheffield, like Jive Turkey, Love2be or Gatecrasher.

By the way you forgot other high profile nights like Quality and Urban Gorrilla that I would put ahead of your list due to size and national popuarity within the music industry. All I am pointing out is the casual statement "make Sheffield"


Studio 54 / The Tunnel / Paradise Garage / Funhouse / Roxy - were flagships for New Yorks club scene

Hacienda / Home / Tribal Sessions - Manchester

Cream - Liverpool

De-Ja Vu - Hull

Warehouse (Kaos) / Magic - Leeds

Shellys - Stoke

Rock City - Nottingham

Ministry of Sound / Fabric / Agenda - London


I think you have listed nights that you rate highly rather than stature of popularity.

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I wish you would read carefully.

I agreed to disagree, which means simply yes and no.

But to put an end to the debate;

Scuba, Remedy, Lights Down Low, Pin-up, Cargo, Phonetics, Threads are good underground nights but they did not make Sheffield, like Jive Turkey, Love2be or Gatecrasher.

By the way you forgot other high profile nights like Quality and Urban Gorrilla that I would put ahead of your list due to size and national popuarity within the music industry. All I am pointing out is the casual statement "make Sheffield"


Studio 54 / The Tunnel / Paradise Garage / Funhouse / Roxy - were flagships for New Yorks club scene

Hacienda / Home / Tribal Sessions - Manchester

Cream - Liverpool

De-Ja Vu - Hull

Warehouse (Kaos) / Magic - Leeds

Shellys - Stoke

Rock City - Nottingham

Ministry of Sound / Fabric / Agenda - London


I think you have listed nights that you rate highly rather than stature of popularity.



Yes exactly, popular doesn't necessarily make 'good', IMO. Rhianna's "Umbrella" was popular but ****, you get meh?


I never mentioned anything about them 'making' Sheffield per say (think you confuse mine with ****'s point), they just enrich the nightlife without being 'big' nights. Hence leaving out UG et al. UG early days on a Thurs in the Fez and even before that in Brown St would apply, they've just got bigger nowadays.

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National recognition is irrelevant, even though Headcharge attracted people from all over the country.


I think that statement does not make sense. Most promoters would love to have a night that was a national success, as it probably would generate more money. I refer again to the casual phrase that one has quoted "make Sheffield"

My list stands as they are featured time and time again in books and novels. (Please read "last night a dj saved my life")

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Yes exactly, popular doesn't necessarily make 'good', IMO. Rhianna's "Umbrella" was popular but ****, you get meh?


I never mentioned anything about them 'making' Sheffield per say (think you confuse mine with ****'s point), they just enrich the nightlife without being 'big' nights. Hence leaving out UG et al. UG early days on a Thurs in the Fez and even before that in Brown St would apply, they've just got bigger nowadays.


Bad example as that is a tune and not a club night!!!!!!:loopy:


What you are trying to argue is the fact that small underground nights make Sheffield. The nights are popular nights in Sheffield but they do not make Sheffield famous

Jive Turkey made Sheffield noticed. (underground)

Gatecrasher (trance) made Sheffield noticed. (super club)

Love 2 Be (in the mid 90's) made Sheffield noticed. (super club)

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National recognition is irrelevant, even though Headcharge attracted people from all over the country.


I think that statement does not make sense. Most promoters would love to have a night that was a national success, as it probably would generate more money. I refer again to the casual phrase that one has quoted "make Sheffield"

My list stands as they are featured time and time again in books and novels. (Please read "last night a dj saved my life")


This isn't about money or popularity. I think you're missing the point I'm driving at.


I'll argue the toss later. have to go out now!

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Quit the lectures mate, no need.


I think you need it. (only joking):hihi:

But quit the blasphemy then. Your nights stated do not make Sheffield. They are decent nights, lets not get carried away with the hype. At the end of the day Sheffield is still **** poor for clubbing considering the size of the city.

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Bad example as that is a tune and not a club night!!!!!!:loopy:



You know fine well what my point is, doesn't matter what the subject, 'popular' isn't always 'good' - The Sun, Lambrini, Judge Jules, Big Brother, P-Diddy...




If Sheffield just relied on the nights you listed then we'd be screwed. One trick ponies, if you will (as in, the more the merrier and it ain't all about the biggest, we can't just rely on whatever the big night is at the time).

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