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The benefits class

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Perhaps the term "working class" can be consigned to the dustbin, to be replaced by a new group, the benefits class.






I'd like to know where I can sign up for a benefits class, as I spend all my time working, and would much rather get trained in claiming the maximum benefits possible and not working at all.


Are the tutors experienced dole scammers themselves? Do you have to pay for the classes, or does the taxpayer foot the bill? :P

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i never said the benefit system funded anything.you just don't want to accept that people recieving benefits can get the same stuff as me for free.


i questioned why i have to pay £390 for a "hobby" course on photoshop, whilst an unemployed person doing it for a "hobby" can get it for free. similarly i'd like to try tai chi', but unless they do a taster day i have to pay for a 13 week "course" in advance.an unemployed person doesn't.


You could always become an unemployed person if you so chose, Willman, if you're so envious of them, and get all these great perks they get for free....


It's all dog-in-the-manger - you just don't want someone else having something you haven't got.



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Okay I was once for a brief spell unemployed, and went on the jobseekers course :roll: many moons ago.


It was just like the one from League of Gentlemen. Learn how to write a CV, apply for jobs you know you can't get because you had to apply regardless of if you were qualified. Be reminded that you are scum and worthless. Bonus being free paper and stamps.


I quickly got a job though not by these means, by pestering businesses and door knocking. JS support in my experience was just a diversion from actually doing the seeking.


However I am referring to the dark ages when the evil milk snatcher was in power and most people were chasing the same crappy job.



excatly the same for me.

however it appears from my recent experiences of job applicants -they ought to run courses on interview techniques,body language.language and why not to wear a tracksuit or baseball cap for an interview.

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so paying them to partake in leaisure pursuits doesn't distract them for job hunting or working for minimum wage?


offering the correct education is valuable as i've stated -but vocational surely, but then again educating them to be prepared for an interview used to be important.



You clearly do not know how the system works. I'm sure many members on here will have been in the situation where if you are taking a training course of any description incluing a higher level Access to HE course, you must sign to say you are also looking for work and the DWP WILL pursue you on this - often to your detriment. I have known of many, many people who have had to miss something as important as a GCSE exam because their turn has come round to attend the JobCentre or go on Restart. And Restart nowadays from what I hear is terrible.

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i never doubted any of the above. i started life in the industrial centre of Sheffield, so i'm familiar with skill shifts and retraining.

Mathom commented that "employers" citing McD'd etc should finance staff leisure pursuits and not the tax man.I was responding purely that fact-that i don't think they should "have" to.

Do you work in HR? Employers do not *have* to do anything, this is true. However, the government enforces employment laws onto employers to give a certain standard of welfare for employees. It is within this law that the employers need to work with and look after the welfare of the employees lawfully. It's written as part of the duty of an employer.


Low morale and demotivation brought on by redundancies and instability of a company is common. Introducing healthcare schemes and maternity leaves or such benefit to entice more the best skilled force is just one of the few tactics which employers choose to implement.


No companies *have* to... Yet, if they want to keep the best workforce, and not stretched them to the core, then it is still within their best interest to do so too.

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You could always become an unemployed person if you so chose, Willman, if you're so envious of them, and get all these great perks they get for free....


It's all dog-in-the-manger - you just don't want someone else having something you haven't got.





absolutely spot on. but at least i admit it, oh and i'm paying for it for them as well.

i wouldn't want to be unemployed ever again - but thats based on my personal morals,self esteem and motivation to do better.

not just to get a free ride like SOME do.

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There are a hardocore of people in this country, probably 2-300,000, who have absolutely NO intention of ever doing a days work, becasue they simply can't be arsed. It is these people who should be targetted, ideally with a sniper, not those who are genuinely seeking work (and from personal experience, the job centre makes no attmept to enforce those on jobseekers allowance to actually go and seek a job - its pathetic)

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You clearly do not know how the system works. I'm sure many members on here will have been in the situation where if you are taking a training course of any description incluing a higher level Access to HE course, you must sign to say you are also looking for work and the DWP WILL pursue you on this - often to your detriment. I have known of many, many people who have had to miss something as important as a GCSE exam because their turn has come round to attend the JobCentre or go on Restart. And Restart nowadays from what I hear is terrible.


so obviously you haven't really read my posts.


as the JC doesn't open at nights, it's unlikely that those recieving free evening classes would ever be sent fo in the evening.

and can you seperate TRAINING from EDUCATION. a training course is exactly that training to do something, further education is simply education it could just be to experience the subject but it's still free for benefit recipients.

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Yes. But it's not 'their' money is it. It's the money given to them by the state, money that effectively comes out of the working mans pocket.


I have never heard such drivel. I dont pay tax so some loser can spend it dossing round the house all day spending it "as they see fit".


By that logic, such folk as Sir Alan Sugar or Bill Gates or errr....Me!....and...You!...... should also be told when, where and how to spend their money as that too comes from the mythical 'working mans pocket' as the 'working mans pocket', and indeed, the 'loser dossing around the house's pocket as funnily enough they also pay for goods and services. Or did you think the Money Fairies popped the cash into our bank accounts? :huh:


It matters fig all where the money comes from - nobody has any right to say what it is spent on. You only think that way because of snobbery.

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excatly the same for me.

however it appears from my recent experiences of job applicants -they ought to run courses on interview techniques,body language.language and why not to wear a tracksuit or baseball cap for an interview.

I'm not aware that anybody teaches you such skills, but you learn it yourself, from trial and error. Not everybody have the money to throw at a professional careers consultant.


Even I used many resources which were available to me as a graduate, and more on top to get into the graduate recruitment schemes. After that, it is between friends that we learn how the system works.


It's not easy even if you are in unemployment. So, I don't understand the criticisms on those who can't get back onto that first rung of the ladder from the general populus. If anything, they have more of a way to climb, to get back into the rat race.


You don't just fight the system, but you have to fight the social perception too. That makes it doubly hard.

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