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The benefits class

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I understood that 'contrite' means to be 'feeling remorse or penitence; having affectation of guilt'. It is possibly an apt name come to think, for you really should be affected by guilt.


At least you admit that saying the unemployed are 'proud' of their circumstances is 'too strong' - how big of you.

Typically though, you go on to show your true colours, by accusing a whole GENERATION of making signing on a 'carreer'.


Your neighbours really do have problems don't they? But how fascinating - you can predict their future too. Pity you can't predict your own future - you never know, you might be signing on yourself one day.



I'd be interested to know how you distinguish between those who are genuinely and through no fault of their own, out of work and the rest.


Where have i accused a whole generation? I dont predict the future, my neighbours told me that it wasnt worth working because of the loss of housing benefit in excess of J1200 a month, job seekers allowance (a joke) plus other benefits, they are content with their lot, and at 23 they are unlikely to find a job which would pay enough to get them off benefits.

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Yes. But it's not 'their' money is it. It's the money given to them by the state, money that effectively comes out of the working mans pocket.

I have never heard such drivel. I dont pay tax so some loser can spend it dossing round the house all day spending it "as they see fit".


Let me guess, you have a crappy, under paid, soul destroying job

(like mr contrites') no prospects, just the rut of ruts till you pop off?

I know you'll tell me the truth...


Perhaps you pay tax so that 'government employees' (members of the old boys club) can enjoy ridiculously high wages topped up by ridiculously high expenses and perks.

Or so that we can send our young boys off to fight unwinable wars in far off lands - 'in the name of democracy'. And on and on and on goes the criminal wastage of our taxes.

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The Establishment and the media don't want people to think like this, to know that in the blink of an eye it could be them on the streets. The truth is, it can be a VERY quick descent from being a financially reasonably-ok, working person to a person who's lost their job, and hence their home, possibly their marriage as well, and who literally has nowhere to go.


The fact is, it can happen to anyone, however well-qualified or experienced they are. People shouldn't kid themselves, everyone is dispensable to the world of work.


The media encourages us to think the 'benefit scroungers' are a separate class, a class of people to which we'll never belong. Until we get ill, or have a run of bad luck, that is of course. But as long as it can be presented as a 'Them and Us' situation, your average working person won't give a monkeys about people on benefits - until it's them who's suddenly reliant on benefits, but by then no-one gives a monkeys about them or their opinion.


There but for the grace of God...




You really havent understood what i have been saying, i, like most rational people, object to those who make the claiming of benefits a career, the benefits class, i do not class those who have fallen on hard times as part of the benefits class.

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You really havent understood what i have been saying, i, like most rational people, object to those who make the claiming of benefits a career, the benefits class, i do not class those who have fallen on hard times as part of the benefits class.


On the contrary, I've understood only too well what you've been saying.


By using the term 'benefits class', whether you realise it or not, you are demonising everyone who is in receipt of benefit, regardless of their circumstances. You just object to your taxes being spent on people who are currently less-fortunate in life than you are, and just want to put the boot in to people who are already down.


I second what Nick2 said about you earlier - and Nick2 and I never agree on anything!



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Let me guess, you have a crappy, under paid, soul destroying job

(like mr contrites') no prospects, just the rut of ruts till you pop off?

I know you'll tell me the truth...


Perhaps you pay tax so that 'government employees' (members of the old boys club) can enjoy ridiculously high wages topped up by ridiculously high expenses and perks.

Or so that we can send our young boys off to fight unwinable wars in far off lands - 'in the name of democracy'. And on and on and on goes the criminal wastage of our taxes.


I wouldnt say my job was crappy, or underpaid, although i would be interested to know what you would class as underpaid? i dont always enjoy my job, but its a means to an end, and allows me to do the things i want to do (or more to the point, what the rest of the family want to do)

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On the contrary, I've understood only too well what you've been saying.


By using the term 'benefits class', whether you realise it or not, you are demonising everyone who is in receipt of benefit, regardless of their circumstances. You just object to your taxes being spent on people who are currently less-fortunate in life than you are, and just want to put the boot in to people who are already down.


I second what Nick2 said about you earlier - and Nick2 and I never agree on anything!




Pure BS, another trying to justify the benefits class, gtg, more family duties, this time footie training for one of the boys:)

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The media encourages us to think the 'benefit scroungers' are a separate class, a class of people to which we'll never belong. StarSparkle


benefit "scroungers" are a seperate class - and totally distinguishable from benefit claimants or recipients.


benefit scrounger - in my understanding is a parasite who has no wish to work and will do everything to qualify for every state handout going.


anyone can become a benefit claimant but it doesn't make them a scrounger.

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