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The benefits class

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Oh for crying out loud, stop flailing. How can you possibly say all that in response to one small comment, which I didn't even go into any detail about? Have you just been hired by Rent-A-Rant? You've really shown up how quickly you are prepared to jump down someone's throat with a sackful of pre-judged accusations, 99% of which have nothing whatsoever to do with anything I've ever said - in my life, never mind on this thread. I have rarely read such a monstrous distortion of someone else's post as that exhibit quoted above. What a crock of self-righteous, cloud cuckoo land crap. You have absolutely no idea what I might have meant, but rather than get it clarified you jumped at the chance to sling your entire armoury of right-on bigotry at me. It's about on a par with a News of the World op-ed. That last paragraph in particular is simply hysterical and scurrilous. I expect another apology (that I know will never come).


I've had some ridiculous replies in my time on this forum, but this wins the prize. How dare you try and pin all of the above onto me, when I've never said any such thing? I could spend half an hour or so putting together a carefully written, considered defence, explaining in detail exactly what I meant and why I said it, but I refuse to now, why should I waste my time trying to calmly communicate with intelligent people when the thugs (of every political hue) just steamroller in and stamp on people's heads, more often than not on something they dearly wish someone had said, rather than what they actually said? And if they didn't say it, just invent loads of slanderous details and fill in with mud that you hope will stick.


On just about every single point you've tried to pin on me, you're wrong, insultingly so. Even if you disagreed with me there was no need for that shower of nosense.


You said you believe people should have to agree to enforced contraception before they can have any benefits. Pretty plain to me. I do speak the language you know ;) And maybe if you cannot put two and two together and realise what rocky roads certain ideas take us down then you ought to swot up on your history - the idea you put forth, alas, is one of Totalitarianism and Fascistic regimes and you may well not like me pointing that out to you, but that's the uncomfortable truth.


Sorry but if you're not capable of dealing with the distinct possibility that someone will come back at a controversial statement you make, then perhaps it's best to keep that statement to yourself.


And I certainly will NOT apologise for ripping a statement such as the one you made to pieces, as I find it a thoroughly offensive suggestion that poor people should be made to deny themselves a human right. And I certainly won't allow your shouting to prevent me arguing against what I see as grossly offensive opinions.

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Do stop making excuses and try to get a interview for ANY job.


Do stop trolling :rant::loopy:


I have tried to get interviews, in fact I spent most of last Tuesday going round Agencies in Town with my CV, all they told me was that students are taking all the jobs at the moment, but that they'd keep my details on file and get in touch if anything matching my hours and salary requirements came in.


I am not holding my breath though.


Also, I sent an email for a job I'd seen in the Star a week last Thursday ago, I never even heard back from them, not even an acknowledgement that they'd recieved my application! :loopy::rant:

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anything matching my hours and salary requirements


Perhaps you're being a bit too picky, I'd like to work 8 hours a week for £60K, but I'm not going to find a job with those requirements.

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I dont refer to it as an underclass, it is a group of people who appear to take pride from the fact that they are benefits class, the benefits system is a safety net, not a career, yet there are obviously many for whom it is a career, the working family tax credits is a good example of a scheme designed to help (although from reading another thread, some have had problems), my gripe is with what i class as the benefits class, not those to whom the benefits system is, and is likely to remain, their only realistic means of income.


i spent 18 years on the dole................some of it my own making, some of it cos i couldnt get ajob cos id never had one.


and i now work full time, but still on benefits cos of the uk system of firms not paying a decent wage but expecting long hours, and the working tax credit is a farce, i really wanna earn more to get off it

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The only problem for me with call centre work is that it involves wearing a headset, which raises compatibility issues between it and my hearing aid.


Then again, I bought an Xbox Live headset last week and that seems to work OK with the hearing aid.


actually Rich the DDA means that if it is only a physical restriction that is stopping you being able to do a job and equipment can be provided to combat this it isnt an issue. Special equipment can be bought to ensure you can do your job.

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Perhaps you're being a bit too picky, I'd like to work 8 hours a week for £60K, but I'm not going to find a job with those requirements.


The most I can earn is about 4 Grand a year for a max 16 hour week without jeopardising my benefits, as if I lose those it would cause me no end of problems, which are too personal to post on a public forum.

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there is a job out there for EVERYONE, they just have to want one

not EVERYONE can get one, a hell of a lot of places WONT give people a chance, i found that out....infact i was lucky to get the one i have now

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there is a job out there for EVERYONE, they just have to want one


And Santa Claus comes down the chimney every Christmas, and the Tooth Fairy is alive and well and living in never, never land.

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