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The benefits class

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Because I can't get a proper job due to being disabled and the fact that so called "equal opportunities" laws in this Country mean bugger all, companies just say they're an equal opportunity employer because they have to IMO.


but at least you still get to play on the nintendo DS, and xbox 360 eh?:)

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Let me guess, you have a crappy, under paid, soul destroying job

(like mr contrites') no prospects, just the rut of ruts till you pop off?

I know you'll tell me the truth...


Perhaps you pay tax so that 'government employees' (members of the old boys club) can enjoy ridiculously high wages topped up by ridiculously high expenses and perks.

Or so that we can send our young boys off to fight unwinable wars in far off lands - 'in the name of democracy'. And on and on and on goes the criminal wastage of our taxes.


In response.


I earn a decent salary, and my job is OK. And I am happy to pay taxation provding it goes to appropriate resources, not some chainsmoking, shell suit wearing member of the underclass who simply cant be bothered to get off his arse, turn off Jeremy Kyle and actually find a means of gainful employment.

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Your post and Halibut's were chock full of things I never said or even implied. You have no right to put words in my mouth the way you did. I don't care anyway- there are level-headed, decent people in the forum who knewexactly what I meant, and my child welfare (and anti-fascist) credentials on the forum are far more solid than those who shout 'nazi' at the thought of a depo injection. The 'grossly offensive opinions' you shouted about have never been uttered by me. Your post and Halibuts, full of unsubstanciated accusations with intent to smear my name with things I never said. You are worse than a tabloid, and if anyone from the other side of the political fence had cooked up even a fraction of that level of false accusation and defamation from something you'd said, you and Halibut would be the first to protest.


So I may have worded it clumsily, but people like Cloudybay, ash, JoeP and others knew exactly where I was coming from. Get off your high horse and apologise for your slanderous attack.


There is a wonder drug for curing certain forms of cancer - it's been a real breakthrough and has saved many lives. It's called thalidomide, and the very mention of the drug sends people into a frenzy. Due to its terrible history when it was used in totally different circumstances, this wonder treatment for people who would otherwise die, is only given on the proviso that the recipient take precautions to ensure that they cannot become pregnant or get someone else pregnant during the course of treatment.


I see the effort to make sure those in the most extreme circumstances in life in the same way - generous, intense suport and help to get people back on the straight and narrow, in whatever way that may be, but as part of the deal, do everything possible to prevent the situation from getting worse.


Perfectly fair and reasonable. And perfectly fair and reasonable people have understood it as such. That's all my statement meant.


Meanwhile, perhaps you should get all your anti-nazi friends down to the local oncology unit, there's a zygotic genocide going on. :rolleyes:


NO, I will not apologise. I will not apologise for pointing up that you expressed an opionion of the like usually expressed by oppressive regimes.


You may well not usually express such opinions - therefore you need to take a look at what you are saying if your image is so important that you cannot take onboard that you, purdyamos, have expressed something that would only ever be associated with fascistic regimes.


If you can't take that onboard then TOUGH.


And I'd make some attempt to defend such an opinion if challenged on it rather than use the old mathod of "Oooh, I'll quote my forum mates and try to bully you off". It won't work on me.


Like loads of people on here, I've been unemployed. I have a disability. I have relatives who have been subject to oppression of that kind. I will take up a flaming sword and defend the right of the poor to live the same life as you and me. You may not be a racist but that kind of opinion shows you up for being stuffed full of prejudice and hatred towards those economically worse off than you, who are not evil, are not bad, are just down on their luck.


I await the day when someone tries to pump YOUR arms full of hormones because of your disability or lack of money. We'll see if you change your mind.


And please don't draw such a gross analogy as to equate the unemployed with cancer. You've just dug your own hole a bit deeper than it was by insinuating that poor people are also child abusers.


It might be that in yout life experience someone on benefits was like that, but not in my life - nor in most other people's lives. And I'm sorry to say that I will keep on at you if you do not realise and accept just HOW offensive you were to a lot of people on here.

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sod silly laws.


we will be able to get you a job.


would you work in a call centre?

i know where there is vacancies, should be able get you an interview in a weeks time and tell you exactly what to say in it.


Lets get behind this one peeps.. Come on Rich, let us know whats happeneing? Are you going to take the offer?

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NO, I will not apologise. I will not apologise for pointing up that you expressed an opionion of the like usually expressed by oppressive regimes.


You may well not usually express such opinions - therefore you need to take a look at what you are saying if your image is so important that you cannot take onboard that you, purdyamos, have expressed something that would only ever be associated with fascistic regimes.


If you can't take that onboard then TOUGH.


And I'd make some attempt to defend such an opinion if challenged on it rather than use the old mathod of "Oooh, I'll quote my forum mates and try to bully you off". It won't work on me.


Like loads of people on here, I've been unemployed. I have a disability. I have relatives who have been subject to oppression of that kind. I will take up a flaming sword and defend the right of the poor to live the same life as you and me. You may not be a racist but that kind of opinion shows you up for being stuffed full of prejudice and hatred towards those economically worse off than you, who are not evil, are not bad, are just down on their luck.


I await the day when someone tries to pump YOUR arms full of hormones because of your disability or lack of money. We'll see if you change your mind.


And please don't draw such a gross analogy as to equate the unemployed with cancer. You've just dug your own hole a bit deeper than it was by insinuating that poor people are also child abusers.


It might be that in yout life experience someone on benefits was like that, but not in my life - nor in most other people's lives. And I'm sorry to say that I will keep on at you if you do not realise and accept just HOW offensive you were to a lot of people on here.


As usual the fact that some people have claimed benefits when they needed to, has been confused with those who claim benefits with no intention of making any contribution to society in return, this thread was aimed at the latter, not the former, yet you seem to be taking it personally, why?

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As usual the fact that some people have claimed benefits when they needed to, has been confused with those who claim benefits with no intention of making any contribution to society in return, this thread was aimed at the latter, not the former, yet you seem to be taking it personally, why?


I've been on benefits - and if anyone had tried to pump my veins full of artificial hormones I'd have ended up in prison for GBH. I don't care what contribution people want to make or not - we are humans and are not yet reduced to the level of mere machines like something from an Aldous Huxley novel and I will stand against anything like that.

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I've been on benefits - and if anyone had tried to pump my veins full of artificial hormones I'd have ended up in prison for GBH. I don't care what contribution people want to make or not - we are humans and are not yet reduced to the level of mere machines like something from an Aldous Huxley novel and I will stand against anything like that.



I think that is a bit paranoid.

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I've been on benefits - and if anyone had tried to pump my veins full of artificial hormones I'd have ended up in prison for GBH. I don't care what contribution people want to make or not - we are humans and are not yet reduced to the level of mere machines like something from an Aldous Huxley novel and I will stand against anything like that.


Indeed so, Mathom - well said.


There are some scarily fascistic ideas on this thread, seemingly supported by some normally sensible Forummers. Very worrying. Perhaps even more so, in that the Forummers concerned seem to think their ideas are justified and reasonable, and seem blind to just how inhumane they are.



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Lets get behind this one peeps.. Come on Rich, let us know whats happeneing? Are you going to take the offer?


PM or email me the details and I'll look into it.

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