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The benefits class

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I think that is a bit paranoid.


Rather be paranoid than dead ;)


Ironic how the same people who rant and rave about speed cameras and the like being 'intrusive' are the same people who aren't quite so interested in the civil liberties of those 'beneath them'. ;)

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Indeed so, Mathom - well said.


There are some scarily fascistic ideas on this thread, seemingly supported by some normally sensible Forummers. Very worrying. Perhaps even more so, in that the Forummers concerned seem to think their ideas are justified and reasonable, and seem blind to just how inhumane they are.




Because some people think its correct for those who are unable to financially support having children not to have them, they are inhumane!

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Because some people think its correct for those who are unable to financially support having children not to have them, they are inhumane!


No, it's inadvisable, but not inhumane. Being poor does not mean you are cruel and it's wrong to make that assumption. How about we turn it on its head and ask if people who work long hours and leave children in nurseries are also cruel? It would quite rightly meet with anger from people who do just that and are by no means 'cruel'!

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Rather be paranoid than dead ;)


Ironic how the same people who rant and rave about speed cameras and the like being 'intrusive' are the same people who aren't quite so interested in the civil liberties of those 'beneath them'. ;)



As far as i am aware i have made no reference to human rights, or speed cameras for that matter, as i keep saying, this thread was about those who are happy for the state to fund their lifestyle, if someone posts they have been on the dole for 18 years, is it surprising that they will get criticism?


Nobody, to my knowledge, has accused those who have fallen on hard times and claimed benefits, of being a scrounger, or accused those same people of being beneath them, for obviously that is wrong, but for someone who makes claiming benefits their sole aim in life, of spends years on the dole, and blames employers for their failure to get a job, then yes i feel they are beneath me.

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Because some people think its correct for those who are unable to financially support having children not to have them, they are inhumane!


No, that's not what is being said. What IS being said is that it is inhumane for people to be forcibly given contraceptive injections to prevent them breeding, simply because they have fallen on hard economic times. It's just barbaric that anyone can seriously entertain the idea.


What about benefit claimants who are Catholic? Are you going to force them to go against their religion, just so they have enough money to enable them to live? Ridiculous.


As Mathom says, we're Human Beings, not machines.



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As far as i am aware i have made no reference to human rights, or speed cameras for that matter, as i keep saying, this thread was about those who are happy for the state to fund their lifestyle, if someone posts they have been on the dole for 18 years, is it surprising that they will get criticism?


Nobody, to my knowledge, has accused those who have fallen on hard times and claimed benefits, of being a scrounger, or accused those same people of being beneath them, for obviously that is wrong, but for someone who makes claiming benefits their sole aim in life, of spends years on the dole, and blames employers for their failure to get a job, then yes i feel they are beneath me.


They are 'happy' for the state to 'fund a lifestyle'? As opposed to being desperate for some money to enable them to survive? ;) Nobody is 'happy' to be unemployed and subject to abuse and to have to beg for money! It isn't even a lifestyle, it's barely even a life! Have you ever spent three days with nothing to eat but a tin of fish?


And that someone on here who you feel is 'beneath' you happens to be a cool guy. If you feel it makes you somehow morally superior to label him as a scrounger and dismiss him then that's your loss.

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They are 'happy' for the state to 'fund a lifestyle'? As opposed to being desperate for some money to enable them to survive? ;) Nobody is 'happy' to be unemployed and subject to abuse and to have to beg for money! It isn't even a lifestyle, it's barely even a life! Have you ever spent three days with nothing to eat but a tin of fish?


And that someone on here who you feel is 'beneath' you happens to be a cool guy. If you feel it makes you somehow morally superior to label him as a scrounger and dismiss him then that's your loss.


I dont see my neighbours having to beg for money.

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No, that's not what is being said. What IS being said is that it is inhumane for people to be forcibly given contraceptive injections to prevent them breeding, simply because they have fallen on hard economic times. It's just barbaric that anyone can seriously entertain the idea.


What about benefit claimants who are Catholic? Are you going to force them to go against their religion, just so they have enough money to enable them to live? Ridiculous.


As Mathom says, we're Human Beings, not machines.




And here is what the UN have to say on freedom, including freedom for the poor:


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in the universal Declaration of Human Rights, without distinction of any kind, such as race, creed, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.


—Principle 1, ICPD Programme of Action

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I dont see my neighbours having to beg for money.


You probably don't see very much of your neighbours as your nose is so high up in the rarefied air.


What you do not see is what they will have to do to 'prove' their entitlement. Until you've been unemployed you just don't know the fear that a benefits interview can cause, the humiliation. However when you get old and infirm and are having to beg for disability allowance or a Blue Badge you might suddenly find yourself in the same boat.

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