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The benefits class

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PMSL @ Tartcast.


He's not Barfarst but he could be Barty's brother or something...


He could be but trying on the persona of 'hard done by working clars male' instead of the bogus 'I was in the SAS, and had sex with lots of Africans' sub-Walter Mitty BS Barty used to trot out - like anyone believed his wild fantasies...;) He was probly just some sad sap sat in his greasy underpants in his mum's house....

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He could be but trying on the persona of 'hard done by working clars male' instead of the bogus 'I was in the SAS, and had sex with lots of Africans' sub-Walter Mitty BS Barty used to trot out - like anyone believed his wild fantasies...;) He was probly just some sad sap sat in his greasy underpants in his mum's house....


Hard done by? never claimed that. Working class?, as my opening post implies, the working class is no more, its been replaced by the benefits class.

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Hard done by? never claimed that. Working class?, as my opening post implies, the working class is no more, its been replaced by the benefits class.



So what are you then Middle Class ?

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I dont put myself in any class, simply a working man doing his best for his family.


You really are a legend in your own mind.

Have you no concept whatever of the ways of a capitalist economy?


Now that the real socialists are mostly dead, along with the unions, and the labour party has so cleverly been absorbed into middle england, there is no pretence at all that MONEY comes before PEOPLE.


Nationalised industries were SUBSIDISED by the taxpayer (where necessary) till Thatchers' 'greed before need' party destroyed what was potentially a

fair[er] system; the old system kept many people employed - and proud to be so, rather than paying them to sit around feeling DEPRESSED AND USELESS.


That was before the people of this country were seduced into the present ways of frenzied consumerism - and the grab it while you can mentallity.


Thatchers' crime of the century? Making people think that they NEEDED to OWN their own homes. She sold back to the people that which they had paid for a thousand times over.


Their low incomes and insecure jobs ensured that in the first few years of the 'Great Sell Off' THOUSANDS OF HOMES HAD BEEN REPOSSESSED and millions of hard working, honest people had been ruined and hurled onto the scrapheap of UNEMPLOYMENT.


The real trick was that Thatchers disgusting regime went on to convince the people that she had done them a great favour. And fools like you believed her - and quickly turned on your own.


What a bunch of master tacticians that government was - they very effectively applied that ancient tactic of war - DIVIDE AND CONQUER, passing it on to the present day - via people like yourself who so sadly lack any CONTRITION whatsoever.

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