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The benefits class

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You really are a legend in your own mind.

Have you no concept whatever of the ways of a capitalist economy?


Now that the real socialists are mostly dead, along with the unions, and the labour party has so cleverly been absorbed into middle england, there is no pretence at all that MONEY comes before PEOPLE.


Nationalised industries were SUBSIDISED by the taxpayer (where necessary) till Thatchers' 'greed before need' party destroyed what was potentially a

fair[er] system; the old system kept many people employed - and proud to be so, rather than paying them to sit around feeling DEPRESSED AND USELESS.


That was before the people of this country were seduced into the present ways of frenzied consumerism - and the grab it while you can mentallity.


Thatchers' crime of the century? Making people think that they NEEDED to OWN their own homes. She sold back to the people that which they had paid for a thousand times over.


Their low incomes and insecure jobs ensured that in the first few years of the 'Great Sell Off' THOUSANDS OF HOMES HAD BEEN REPOSSESSED and millions of hard working, honest people had been ruined and hurled onto the scrapheap of UNEMPLOYMENT.


The real trick was that Thatchers disgusting regime went on to convince the people that she had done them a great favour. And fools like you believed her - and quickly turned on your own.


What a bunch of master tacticians that government was - they very effectively applied that ancient tactic of war - DIVIDE AND CONQUER, passing it on to the present day - via people like yourself who so sadly lack any CONTRITION whatsoever.


Excellently well said, Supertyke.


I cannot believe how many people seem unable to grasp that CAPITALISM IS NOT THEIR FRIEND.


The government does not care about you either - Socialism is dead and buried in this country, apart from a few stalwarts, and we are fighting an incresaingly small corner.


Divide and Conquer is all that governments and international capital need to keep in business, getting people so frightened of chimaeras they allow their lives to be manipulated and controlled.


Property, including money, is more important than human life, human dignity, or human anything else.



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No surprise what paper the article is in.


Matthew Elliott sounds like a right tit.


Yeah, lets all slag off the Daily mail because thet dare to say something bad about our fellow man. I'm sure that we'd be able to identify a really good valid reason why each and everyone of them does not work and find an excuse to throw (our) money at them and support them so they can all have a nice long lie in without their human rights being contraveined in forcing them to get our of bed and WORK!

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I cannot believe how many people seem unable to grasp that CAPITALISM IS NOT THEIR FRIEND.


Unfortunately there is no workable alternative, people have tried and failed to live under any other system.

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russia had a system that kept everyone in a job. fat lot of good that did for them.


so we pay people over the top salaries to be miners or steelworkers , demanding double digit pay rises then try to sell the stuff they make at an exorbitant price to try and recoup some of the losses.

or we cut out the dead wood and rely on profit making enterprises.


doesn't seem like an sort of competition to me.


fraudulent claiming of benefits is the point of this discussion iirc, not the fact that benefit society exists.

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russia had a system that kept everyone in a job. fat lot of good that did for them.


so we pay people over the top salaries to be miners or steelworkers , demanding double digit pay rises then try to sell the stuff they make at an exorbitant price to try and recoup some of the losses.

or we cut out the dead wood and rely on profit making enterprises.


doesn't seem like an sort of competition to me.


fraudulent claiming of benefits is the point of this discussion iirc, not the fact that benefit society exists.


Now thats a good post!

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Can I ask a simple question.


Is it acceptable for able boided people to live off the state for as long as they can get away with it without even attempting to look for work?


No, but a lot do. There will always be low lifes who will take advantage, as long as our ridiculously generous benefits system lets them. It's about time benefits were capped, irrespective of how many children you have. It may make people think twice before they overpopulate the country with another set of scroungers, as it seems to be a family tradition to some to screw the country for as much as they can get. And no, this post isn't aimed at everyone on benefits before you all start shouting. I know some people fall on hard times due to circumstances beyond their own control, but there is a certain element in society who never have and never will work.

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i'm thinking of moving to Newbury, free half a million pound house and 44k a year to manage on.

hard life being unemployed.


and he is the epitome of what we are discussing -he had a job paying £350 a week at Asda but lost £1650 a year in benefits so he quit.

i thought making yourself unemployed resulted in no benefits..

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i'm thinking of moving to Newbury, free half a million pound house and 44k a year to manage on.

hard life being unemployed.


and he is the epitome of what we are discussing -he had a job paying £350 a week at Asda but lost £1650 a year in benefits so he quit.

i thought making yourself unemployed resulted in no benefits..


Example of the risk of believing what you read on the surface of a newspaper report ;)


The truth? Their income is around £19k pa on benefits - now we earn a hell of a lot more more than that and also have no housing costs at all and would struggle to raise more than one child - their life will by no means be easy. It breaks down to around £25 each per week for each family member. The rest of their 'income' is in housing costs - bear in mind they live in Berkshire. The house is temporary as their existing one burned down - they were in unsuitable temporary housing previously, where five of the children were sharing one bedroom. Yes, it's not ideal that they have so many children but they did not 'ask to be born' and nobody with a shred of decency would be content to 'punish' the parents by punishing the children and subjecting them to third world living conditions - aside from anything else you risk turning what sound like decent kids into disturbed little chavs. The father did not have a job - he was offered one and turned it down as he realised they would not be able to afford to live on what pay was on offer. This is now a real problem for people down South with even modest families or no family trying to get off benefits, and beware - it's coming North as our own house prices soar. The only people who can afford to live on low wages in many areas without cheap state housing are itinerant workers from the former Eastern Bloc - even the civil service in London is having intense difficulties recruiting at Executive levels now.

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