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The benefits class

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Only because those with power have a way of bending the meaning of legal and covering their own backs.



Im not saying its right, just that its legal, and every time the govt close one loophole, another will be found, but as the thread is regarding the benefit class, im not sure if the comment is relevant.

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[quote=mr contrite;


Six million Britons are living in households where nobody works - costing the taxpayer almost £13 billion a year in benefits alone, a spending watchdog report reveals today.


An astonishing one in six households across the country are officially classified as 'workless' - having adults of working age but none with a job - and almost 1.8 million children are now growing up in these homes.





WILMAN - this ^ is the thread starter. It says NOTHING about benefit fraudsters.


It says VERY LITTLE about anything actually - mainly because the op was testing the water to see how many bigots he could rally to his support.


And, if you read MORE posts by the op, you will see that he was (deliberately) careless about attributing blame to anyone - mainly because he (really) hates the thought that there might be someone somewhere actually enjoying living on a pittance.


Wildcats' post may be off topic but if you REALLY want to see some drain on the taxpayers bread - dig a little deeper - have the bottle to attack a group that deserves to be attacked.


And mr c - you really impress nobody by identifying so closely with the high earners - get a life and take a reality check - small mindedness is so conservative.

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WILMAN - this ^ is the thread starter. It says NOTHING about benefit fraudsters.


It says VERY LITTLE about anything actually - mainly because the op was testing the water to see how many bigots he could rally to his support.


And, if you read MORE posts by the op, you will see that he was (deliberately) careless about attributing blame to anyone - mainly because he (really) hates the thought that there might be someone somewhere actually enjoying living on a pittance.


Wildcats' post may be off topic but if you REALLY want to see some drain on the taxpayers bread - dig a little deeper - have the bottle to attack a group that deserves to be attacked.


And mr c - you really impress nobody by identifying so closely with the high earners - get a life and take a reality check - small mindedness is so conservative.


but the post in the press release does. it relates to benefit scroungers.


with regards to high earners or corporate "hiding "of money. that doesn't benefit you or i one iota.

yep they'll pay more tax which could result in job losses to reduce the incomes etc.

benefit fraud affects what i pay - not directly but just as much as giving £1 to every undeserving sponger that i meet.


what i hate and at least i'm honest, is my family having a £13.99 buggy, and some dole scrounger having a £70 mamas and papas thing, and before you start ,they do get them, well on Firth Park anyway.

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but the post in the press release does. it relates to benefit scroungers.


with regards to high earners or corporate "hiding "of money. that doesn't benefir you or i one iota.

yep they'll pay more tax which could result in job losses to reduce the incomes etc.

benefit fraud affects what i pay - not directly but just as much as giving £1 to every undeserving sponger that i meet.

I hope you don't one day find yourself in need of state benefit. Anyone can lose their status in life through no fault of their own. They are just an easy target for smug people who'd rather point the finger at someone else instead of questioning why society is so divided or looking at their own faults- get a life

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I hope you don't one day find yourself in need of state benefit. Anyone can lose their status in life through no fault of their own. They are just an easy target for smug people who'd rather point the finger at someone else instead of questioning why society is so divided or looking at their own faults- get a life


can i just repeat for those hard of hearing - i never said that people who need it shouldn't have it or that it is their fault.

i had 9 months unemployed claiming dole just like in the Full Monty, i vowed never to go back there again, and although i haven't always had a "proper" job i've never signed on since.


people who won't work and scam everything from the system are those I am directing my comments at, and everyone knows at least one, same as we all know a Knock off Nigel.

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I hope you don't one day find yourself in need of state benefit. Anyone can lose their status in life through no fault of their own. They are just an easy target for smug people who'd rather point the finger at someone else instead of questioning why society is so divided or looking at their own faults- get a life


Once again, this thread is about those who make it a career on the dole, not those who are in need of the safety net when circumstances change.

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Doesn't that say something to you then ie that most people in their right minds or with any sense of pride wouldn't put themselves through such an ordeal as the system makes claiming benefits, never mind seeing it as a career move. Those therefore who do so must be either ill and unable to work or are victims of the system that has given them very few options in life. Education is about giving people these opportunies but many are failed before they have reached the school doors.

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Doesn't that say something to you then ie that most people in their right minds or with any sense of pride wouldn't put themselves through such an ordeal as the system makes claiming benefits, never mind seeing it as a career move. Those therefore who do so must be either ill and unable to work or are victims of the system that has given them very few options in life. Education is about giving people these opportunies but many are failed before they have reached the school doors.



i seriously think you may be a little inexperienced or a little confused , but most definitley a little naive, and i don't mean that as an insult btw.

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I have been unemployed myself and hate the system and how it makes you feel so I do know what I am talking about. I don't however think it's my place to judge whether people are fit for work or not. (there are assessors for that) People can be depressed and wouldn't be able to hold down a job but how would you tell from just looking at them. What would your answer be, sent them all to work despite the consequences it might of on their health. I know in my case if I had gone back to work too early all the good work would have been undone and I would have been on more expensive benefits- so such practice can be counter productive.

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