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The benefits class

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its no wonder all you can do is insult folk, you don't even read what they've put.

i haven't "hated" anything in my life , i don't have the time or energy for it. Nothing bothers me enough to hate it.

i said i don't support it - i also said thjat it ticks me off to see others "scrounging" stuff that i can't afford. i can't be more honest than that - although i stated that ages ago.

obviously you think everyones is entitled to all they can get i assume.

oh apart from them that have more than you.


You come over as pretty hate-filled to me. That previous post of yours was a bit of a old rant.



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That's just the other side of the same coin though - those who make a career of living off the dole and those who employ vast numbers of accountants to ensure they avoid paying tax, are both cheating the public. It's just that the latter cost the Exchequer a very great deal more - but they have sway and influence over the government so get away with it, unlike your 'dole scroungers', who are so much small-fry in comparison, I really don't understand all the getting of knickers in a twist over them.


It's just sour grapes isn't it, chaps? Go on, admit it, you just don't like to see someone getting something you're not.




if the government made all the offshore schemes etc illegal, i'd be 100% behind you.

but this is the important bit - it isn't illegal so the only reason anyone can have for seeing them get taxed etc is jealousy.

they don't want them having something they can't have or getting away without paying tax like you and i.


now where does that differ from my dull and closed mind.

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You come over as pretty hate-filled to me. That previous post of yours was a bit of a old rant.




perhaps thats because you see something of me in you.


i'll wake up tomorrow and not really give a flying fig.

but i seriously don't hate anyone, but if it makes you better thinking i do then thats fine by me.

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perhaps thats because you see something of me in you.


i'll wake up tomorrow and not really give a flying fig.

but i seriously don't hate anyone, but if it makes you better thinking i do then thats fine by me.


I don't think about you at all, Willman



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I don't think about you at all, Willman




now, stop teasing you know you do.

you know you've been contemplating my responses.


i must admit i never you took you to be the sort to want to tax someone for having more than you.

i honestly thought you were all leftie and pc, and everyone for themselves sort of thing. thats not an insult but my thoughts on your on line persona.

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Doesn't that say something to you then ie that most people in their right minds or with any sense of pride wouldn't put themselves through such an ordeal as the system makes claiming benefits, never mind seeing it as a career move.


Those therefore who do so must be either ill and unable to work or are victims of the system that has given them very few options in life. Education is about giving people these opportunies but many are failed before they have reached the school doors.



I do see where you're coming from; I've never said that benefit fraudsters are right in doing what they do. Where we differ is that I (and Starsparkle) amongst others, pity them in their desperation; as I see it, Rivelins post and especially his final sentence is highly relevant.


It was the O.Ps sweeping generalisations that first compelled me to put in my ten cents, and the sheer vitriol shown by many towards complex social problems that can't simply be dismissed as the devious actions of a proportion of unemployed people.


Whether tax evasion (and the miriad financial scams operating today) are termed legal or not, they are nevertheless the appalling consequence of a system that is fundamentally corrupt, and the real 'scroungers' in this country spend more on champagne and cocain in a day than the unemployed spend on essentials in a year.

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I do see where you're coming from; I've never said that benefit fraudsters are right in doing what they do. Where we differ is that I (and Starsparkle) amongst others, pity them in their desperation;


Pity? desperation? these are fraudsters stealing from others, nothing put common criminals, would you feel pity for a mugger who robbed an old lady for food? save your pity for those who deserve it, not thieving scum who have no intention of ever working because the state provides a roof over their heads, puts food on their table, pays their council tax etc etc.

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Pity? desperation? these are fraudsters stealing from others, nothing put common criminals, would you feel pity for a mugger who robbed an old lady for food? save your pity for those who deserve it, not thieving scum who have no intention of ever working because the state provides a roof over their heads, puts food on their table, pays their council tax etc etc.


An unemployed person is a fraudster and thieving scum because they are claiming benefits that just about feeds them and keeps them housed ?


Is that not a little extreme?

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An unemployed person is a fraudster and thieving scum because they are claiming benefits that just about feeds them and keeps them housed ?


Is that not a little extreme?


no a benefit fraudster is thieving scum. and mr c was responding to a post that mentioned the illegality of benefit fraudters.

thats the whole point of the post.


i wish someone would either close this or post a big sticky explanation on page 1 that people might read.

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An unemployed person is a fraudster and thieving scum because they are claiming benefits that just about feeds them and keeps them housed ?


Is that not a little extreme?



If they are defrauding the country then yes they are thieving scum, if they have no intention of ever working then they do not deserve pity, do you support theft?

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