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The benefits class

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You're a proper little ray of sunshine aren't you?

Mmmm, so you'd be happy to give nothing to those physically incapable of work and let them starve? Let's see - that group could include the mentally ill, those with terminal illnesses, people who've suffered industrial injuries or ilnesses, the learning disabled, people with chronic illness....nice plan.


Yet again you have (deliberately?) gotten the wrong end of the stick.


The benefit class are those that are of able body and mind that consider work to be optional and view those that do work with disdain. To what degree these people populate our shores I am unsure of. I suspect that a lot of knee jerk exaggeration goes on about how prevalent they are. But I digress.


The people you describe are NOT the benefit class. Anyone who would consider the withdrawal of benefit to those that need it most should be condemned. But this thread isn't aimed at these people. Codman doesn't make a reference to these people (not that I agree with his view, which would cause massive problems, but at least I don't misread it). So why put words into his mouth?

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The benefits class,give them NOTHING,make them get off their arse and work,either that or starve.:mad:

That way everyones taxes will come down and we will have a a more prosperous country without all the scum scroungers dragging us down.


You sir, are an idiot.


Kindly remove your head from your arse and put down that copy of the Daily Mail! :loopy::rant:

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The benefits class,give them NOTHING,make them get off their arse and work,either that or starve.:mad:

That way everyones taxes will come down and we will have a a more prosperous country without all the scum scroungers dragging us down.

Who are you to say they don't contribute to society? I for one did voluntary work with a charity and still do to help me return to work.

How are people with illnesses or experiencing social upheaval in their lives supposed to hold down a job? A society should be judged on how it protects those most vulnerable in it and many people pay taxes for lots of things ie public transport, leisure services, other children's education they don't use but they see the need to create a society that is supportive of others.

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Yet again you have (deliberately?) gotten the wrong end of the stick.


The benefit class are those that are of able body and mind that consider work to be optional and view those that do work with disdain. To what degree these people populate our shores I am unsure of. I suspect that a lot of knee jerk exaggeration goes on about how prevalent they are. But I digress.


The people you describe are NOT the benefit class. Anyone who would consider the withdrawal of benefit to those that need it most should be condemned. But this thread isn't aimed at these people. Codman doesn't make a reference to these people (not that I agree with his view, which would cause massive problems, but at least I don't misread it). So why put words into his mouth?


So how do you distinguish between the two then? Should people who have a mental illness be sent to work because they don't look ill. The problem is you cannot deal with such complexed social issues by using such black and white terms. Every case is different and you can't generalise about a whole group of people from very different backgrounds and lifestyles. It is a daily Mail response that suggests there is a quick fix and all will be well. If that was so why hasn't any government come up with a solution. Stop believing all you read in the papers and think for yourself for a chance:rolleyes:

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I hate it when people take a post, completely misconstrue it, and then take the misconstrued intention and apply a load of other unfounded accusations to it.


So how do you distinguish between the two then? Should people who have a mental illness be sent to work because they don't look ill. The problem is you cannot deal with such complexed social issues by using such black and white terms. Every case is different and you can't generalise about a whole group of people from very different backgrounds and lifestyles.


Thats a different issue and has nothing to do with my post. I just jumped in on Halibuts deliberate misunderstanding. Because I don't like him.


It is a daily Mail response that suggests there is a quick fix and all will be well.


Considering that I despise the Mail and Express and I never said anything about any quick fix, I'm not sure what you are on about. This is an example of what I was talking about in my opening paragraph.


If that was so why hasn't any government come up with a solution.


There is no easy solution but then I never claimed there was.


Stop believing all you read in the papers and think for yourself for a chance:rolleyes:


Although I have no idea how your cognitive processes have made a connection between my reading habits and taking offence at Halibuts consistent manipulation of peoples intent, I'll bear that in mind. And yes, this is another example of what I was talking about in my opening paragraph.

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I wonder why certain people cant differentiate between different benefits claimants?


1. Those on genuine need of the safety net benefits provide, nobody, as far as i am aware has critisised this group.


2. Career claimants, those who are physically fit to work, yet choose not to, preferring to let the hard working majority fund their lifestyles, the majority of posters treat these with disgust, although there appears to be a sizeable minority who seem quite happy for these spongers to continue.


3. Those who make fraudulant claims, stealing from the rest of us, and giving those who need help a bad name, thieving scum.



How difficult is it for certain posters to tell the difference between these groups, unless of course they fall into one of the final 2 groups, and prefer to muddy the waters to deflect further critisism?

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The benefits class,give them NOTHING,make them get off their arse and work,either that or starve.:mad:

That way everyones taxes will come down and we will have a a more prosperous country without all the scum scroungers dragging us down.


MODS: check out this troll's posts

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I wonder why certain people cant differentiate between different benefits claimants?


1. Those on genuine need of the safety net benefits provide, nobody, as far as i am aware has critisised this group.


2. Career claimants, those who are physically fit to work, yet choose not to, preferring to let the hard working majority fund their lifestyles, the majority of posters treat these with disgust, although there appears to be a sizeable minority who seem quite happy for these spongers to continue.


3. Those who make fraudulant claims, stealing from the rest of us, and giving those who need help a bad name, thieving scum.



How difficult is it for certain posters to tell the difference between these groups, unless of course they fall into one of the final 2 groups, and prefer to muddy the waters to deflect further critisism?


You sir are a buffoon. you started the thread about one topic and then have tried to drag it to another. Get your prejudices in order before presenting them to SF in future.

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You sir are a buffoon. you started the thread about one topic and then have tried to drag it to another. Get your prejudices in order before presenting them to SF in future.


Threads evolve, and expand into other areas, its natural, and after 25 or 26 pages, its not surprising, are you unable to add to the debate without petty name calling? or maybe you fall into one of the 3 groups? would explain a lot.

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Personally, I've now been banned 5 times, but I still say what I think is right to say.

i cant do that anymore :(


i havent read all this thread and theres now far too many posts to bother but heres my two pence worth, and i speak from experiance.


having been brought up in a rough area of a rough city i had a few close friends whose parents didnt bother working and who grew up to follow suit.


the kids didnt have much and usually got into robbing so they could have a little bit more. the usual was for everyone to get drunk at a weekend but they only got a couple of quid pocket money so would rob from the offy instead. a couple of times the woman behind the till would see and lock the door, this just meant they got a crate and threw it through the door!

my mates would go robbing from shops in town to get some more clothes that their parents couldnt afford to buy..


i have always been quite perceptive and even when i was younger i could see the parents wasnt that bothered about being broke. the dad usually worked a little bit now and then on the side to supplement their income a little bit.


a couple of mates who were in this situation had parents who claimed disability and this gave the family a substantial amount more money! it was always for something dubious like a bad back whiich never seemed to stop them doing anything!


my friends i grew up with i dont really see anymore, i bettered myself and got an education while they stayed doing the same things we did at 15, 16.. i go back and see them and check there ok but we have nothing in common anymore. they are all in council flats or prison!


but the couple who are in council flats sit on benefits too. they are happy robbing food and drink from various supermarkets and other stuff to sell to get a bit of extra money. they see it as normal!


there is an underclass who do live on benefits and there is no expectation or will to beter themselves.


i also dont see why the tax payer should pay for it and a limit of 1 or two years of benefits beforethey stop would help cut this out. or even just a job centre that does its job! and cutting down the numbers and reasons you can claim disability allowance will help a lot!!

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