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The benefits class

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People on benefits should not have the right to have ever-expanding families at the taxpayer's expense.


In a previous era, when much of the population of this country actually had some pride and social responsibility, couples would not have children until they had saved, planned and could afford to raise a child.

Irresponsible lazy underclasses, and single parents, are the problems.


Agreed, so what is the solution?

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People on benefits should not have the right to have ever-expanding families at the taxpayer's expense.









........................for you its a free country, so they do have the right :D


and what gives you (a right wing zealot, by the looks of things) the right to say they cant?

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........................for you its a free country, so they do have the right :D


and what gives you (a right wing zealot, by the looks of things) the right to say they cant?



Probably said by someone in reciept of aforementioned benefits.

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Pity? desperation? these are fraudsters stealing from others, nothing put common criminals, would you feel pity for a mugger who robbed an old lady for food? save your pity for those who deserve it, not thieving scum who have no intention of ever working because the state provides a roof over their heads, puts food on their table, pays their council tax etc etc.


YOU - Mr C, are the one who deserves more pity than anyone. I have no doubt that you are a very lonely person.


Your arguments are full of hatred and irrationality. You can't quite grasp the concept that the tiny proportion of benefits claimants who act fraudulently do so out of desperation rather than an inherent criminality.


I do enjoy reading your fascistic take on what amounts to a very minor drain on the economy - you could never be accused of having an 'all round' understanding of the machinations of a democracy could you Mr C?


What would you call Margaret Thatcher and her band of thieves who did more to bring about the state of our present mess than many billions of fraudsters ever could have?

How about her use of billions of pounds worth of FOREIGN AID that she spent over ten years on overseas arms deals? Arms that have killed our own people and continue to do so?

Her firm made us the second biggest arms dealer in the world.

Why do I have the sneaking suspicion that you admire her?


Try to get some perspective on the economy Mr C - try looking in a decidedly UPWARD direction for the REAL thieves.

And perhaps you would share with us your incredible talent that lets you know that, all, or any of these, 'theiving scum', 'have no intention of ever working'.

Please do tell.

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YOU - Mr C, are the one who deserves more pity than anyone. I have no doubt that you are a very lonely person.


Your arguments are full of hatred and irrationality. You can't quite grasp the concept that the tiny proportion of benefits claimants who act fraudulently do so out of desperation rather than an inherent criminality.


I do enjoy reading your fascistic take on what amounts to a very minor drain on the economy - you could never be accused of having an 'all round' understanding of the machinations of a democracy could you Mr C?


What would you call Margaret Thatcher and her band of thieves who did more to bring about the state of our present mess than many billions of fraudsters ever could have?

How about her use of billions of pounds worth of FOREIGN AID that she spent over ten years on overseas arms deals? Arms that have killed our own people and continue to do so?

Her firm made us the second biggest arms dealer in the world.

Why do I have the sneaking suspicion that you admire her?


Try to get some perspective on the economy Mr C - try looking in a decidedly UPWARD direction for the REAL thieves.

And perhaps you would share with us your incredible talent that lets you know that, all, or any of these, 'theiving scum', 'have no intention of ever working'.

Please do tell.


Well said,that woman caused no end of trouble for this country. I'm always amazed how alot of people can't see events in their wider context.

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Probably said by someone in reciept of aforementioned benefits.


I wouldn't usually bother (actually I would) but your coming across as a right utter knob end, AND I don't receive benefits, in fact (mindful graffiti aside) Am an upstanding citizen who does nothing you'd disagree with except object with yourself, Benefits are there to stop people starving and to curb the need/urge to bludgeon the likes of you & your opinions to a pulp.

Your in a roundabout way correct, that maybe giving things for free to those who then in turn don't help and then do likewise probably isn't in the long term helping them to achieve what you'd like them to-which is what ?- but its not the life of reily on benefits, how many sports cars pull up outside the jobby? getting drunk or high is just something to do that often relives you of the depression of your situation and is very inexpensive

and when it comes down to it if you had to employ someone would you rather have

a, a worker (immigrant or otherwise) who wanted the job for pride etc


b, someone who didn't, forced into it purely cos the benefits that would have kept them from applying to you had been stripped?

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b, someone who didn't, forced into it purely cos the benefits that would have kept them from applying to you had been stripped?


So are you agreeing with what I put earlier, that the current benefit system encourages people not to work?





Edit : post number 210, as I've just realised there are 27 pages now :hihi:

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ERR, I never disagreed with you,

however i kinda do, everyone pretty much learns to live within their means.

they'll be no doctors or managers or even workers in waitrose running to sign on will there?

what you get when you sign on isn't a lot and its not much of an incentive to keep signin unless you simply; don't want much (of any decent quality that is) out of life, don't want to live in a 'nice' area, don't want to be a wage slave, all in order to get what is essentially the lowest standard of living available in this country.


Bear in mind though that if you work full time, in a min wage job, pay your bills etc

you aren't left with much at the end of the week,

you'll get -pretty much- the same outcome signin on, bills paid and nowt left

only instead of slavin at a till all week you had to go to the jobby and jump through the hoops they put out.

when it comes down to it what in life is min wage slave going to achieve? what kinda house can be bought for 3.5x£13k

this should tell most that the level of benefits are not too high but the lowest paid aren't high enough.

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........................for you its a free country, so they do have the right :D

and what gives you (a right wing zealot, by the looks of things) the right to say they cant?

Where would you draw the line?


If a woman or couple who don't work want loads of kids, but don't want to go out and get a job, should the taxpayer fund their family?


If they want a bigger house, should the taxpayer fund it?


If they want a Rolls Royce, should the taxpayer provide one for them?


When other people work hard to provide for their families, and plan to be able to afford to raise their children, saving and going without luxuries in order to do so, why should the underclasses just get everything on a plate?


Society does not need the low-end of our species to be breeding even more; all that does is create more parasites to house and feed in the next generation.

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Originally Posted by melthebell View Post

sadly..................................for you its a free country, so they do have the right


and what gives you (a right wing zealot, by the looks of things) the right to say they cant?

Probably said by someone in reciept of aforementioned benefits.
I believe he works now (good for him) but has suckled at the teet of the benefit system for most of his life.
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