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The benefits class

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I doubt very much if it's greed on the money you get, you can't afford to live off it and yes I have been there but very determined after such an experience never to go back however some people have no choice.


No choice? no choice but to get pregnant, have another kid and expect the state to pay, or no choice about getting of their asses and look for work?

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some people have no choice to be on benefits, some people get laid off and never hired again, through no real fault off their own, some people are lazy and don't want to work,

some people like you seem to think that there's only one type of claimant, the stereotype you so clearly believe in does not apply to all.

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Unlike the rich who commit fraud out of greed and dishonesty. It's do as I say not as I do as far as they are concerned which makes people deceptive. Until you realise that those in power will use you as pawns and love the fact that you are inward or downward looking. This creates a situation where people are divided amongst themselves and will never see the overall picture where they are being screwed by the system. Take it up with them instead of kicking people who are already down and ask why in such an unfair society do these things happen.
Sounds like a soap box oration of the politics of envy to me.
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some people have no choice to be on benefits, some people get laid off and never hired again, through no real fault off their own, some people are lazy and don't want to work,

some people like you seem to think that there's only one type of claimant, the stereotype you so clearly believe in does not apply to all.


Please forgive Mr Contrite, he reads the Daily Mail and thus hates the world and everyone in it who doesn't conform to his idealised view of what is "normal" :loopy:

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So the fact that some rich people commit white collar crime makes benefit fraud acceptable?


I think both are unacceptable and should be stamped out.

Totally agree. Our tax system, and the hideous tax-avoidance measures that are available to those with a good accountant, are abysmal. Flat tax is the way ahead.


Both ends of the scale, as you rightly say, are totally unacceptable.

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Either Britain is really the sick men of Europe or I smell a rat.




“The number of working age people claiming Incapacity Benefit (IB, Invalidity

Benefit up to 1995) in Great Britain has grown from under 1 million

in 1971 to over 2.5 million in 2006. For more than a decade now, the

number of IB claimants has exceeded the number claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance

(the British version of unemployment insurance), and by a wide

margin. Aside from being a ’problem’ in their own right, the IB numbers

have serious implications for a government committed to an 80% employment

rate by the year 2016: it aims to take 1 million off the IB register

over the next decade, a target which is the centrepiece of its latest welfare

reform proposals (see Freud [2007]).”




Just over a decade ago, during a parliamentary debate on welfare reform,

the Prime Minister, John Major, remarked,


”Frankly, it beggars belief that so many people have suddenly

become invalids, especially at a time when the health of the

population has improved”

as quoted in House of Commons Library [1994, p.3]


Before anybody gets on their high horse, I know there are genuine cases but somebody as got their work cut out trying to sort it all out.

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