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The benefits class

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Some on here try to make out that i detest all benefits claimants, yet i have repeatedly maintained that those who are in genuine need should get all the support they require, its the spongers and the thieves i detest.


Sorry, I quoted you before as I meant to agree that there should be a better system for finding people who are committing fraud.


A friend worked for the job centre and says they were completely under-staffed and under-funded to catch benefit cheats. It is up to the public to report these people or the government to fund the department properly if they want to stamp it out completely. I understand that anyone working for a living doesn't like the idea of someone getting a rosy lifestyle paid for through cheating.


Ultimately the buck stops with the highly paid director in charge of our country's benefit system.

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Originally Posted by View Post

Another who appears to support the criminal act called theft.

How does expressing approval of another poster's view equate to supporting theft?

Durrr. Correct. It doesn't. Ergo, you've made yourself look like a halfwit.

No I don’t thnk he has at all – the only one looking silly here is the one calling names.


As for your question, the answer should be obvious. If a poster A makes a pragmatic assessment of a situation which is a known problem to the country - like, for example, the way some people abuse our ridiculously lax benefits system – and is as a result labelled a bigot by poster B, with words like vilify and hate thrown in, I don’t think it unreasonable for most people to see that poster B is by his actions implying that A is wrong, and therefore defending the benefit cheats.


If poster C then expresses support for B’s line of thought, he in turn is siding with the parasites. I have to ask myself whether the likes of poster B and poster C enjoy living on the generosity of the taxpayer themselves . . . .

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Sorry, I quoted you before as I meant to agree that there should be a better system for finding people who are committing fraud.


A friend worked for the job centre and says they were completely under-staffed and under-funded to catch benefit cheats. It is up to the public to report these people or the government to fund the department properly if they want to stamp it out completely. I understand that anyone working for a living doesn't like the idea of someone getting a rosy lifestyle paid for through cheating.


Ultimately the buck stops with the highly paid director in charge of our country's benefit system.


Public services always have to make money-based decisions. Tax payers won't fund infinite resources and so the question at some point must be asked "is it worth putting the extra staff time into identifying more fraudsters and doing something about it"


Many aspects of the Welfare State are subject to fraud and by no means all of it is benefit fraud. The NHS loses hundreds of millions a year (edit 2 billion!) to fraud by patients, contractors, professionals and other NHS staff. They can therefore put resources into tackling it which in effect produce a return on the investment. The same logic should apply to tax fraud and benefit fraud. The investment must be worthwhile and so if additional resources aren't going to produce additional benefits greater than the cost then don't do it - and accept that with any system someone somewhere is going to get away with it.

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There are many 'scroungers' who live near me. Who I know 100% dont work cos they dont want to! They all have numerous kids and numerous pets and the government and tax payers pays for it all! It really pee's me off when people who can work dont! Living where I live when I see the people that I know dont work cos they cant be arsed sitting on the front gardens drinks and smoking with kids and pets running round I just feel like I would love to shout what lazy, scrubber no-good worthless pieces of poo they are! (dont forget im talking about the people I know who do this-not others) I dont know anyone who would disagree! I even know some people on my street who have had kids to get more money!


But yet the people that work and dont have kids struggle with day to day costs!


This country needs to get rid of people like that!


My opinion (working for the goverment) is that if you can work you should, no matter what job it is. I certainly dont think people should be given money for not working when they are able. If they stopped giving them money then the would soon realise and either work or starve. Thats how it should be if you are able!

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I hate those words "benefit scroungers" how do expect people to want to go out to work for £5.25 an hour when it is constantly shoved down their throats what the rich and priviliged have lying in their bank accounts and when they see in the papers that joe bloggs elected councellor has claimed £50,000 expenses.Its all relative their are more idle rich from royalty downwards that are taking more money off the taxpayer than the people on benefits will ever take yet they are expected to graft for 40 hours a week,pay taxes and come home and exist,not live, on £150 a week it just doesnt give you the heart to go out to work.

A hell of a lot of people that are on benefits have to "fiddle just to make ends meet and believe me they graft probably a lot harder than legal workers do,and its the well off who moan about scroungers thats paying them,just so they can save a few bob by paying them low wages and not paying national insurance for them plus they havnt got any records for them so they dont declare to the taxman all their earnings,that bloke,who's fiddling the country out of pounds is classed as a decent,law abiding,tax paying bloke but in truth he's more bent than any so called scrounger.

Start living in the real world before you judge others,corruption on a scale most cant imagine is rife in this country and its happening in the higher echelon at a far greater scale than in the working class group.

The trouble with the lower/middle classes nowadays is snobbery,credit is that easy to get and most of the people who profess to be middle class are that much in debt,what with their big houses and flash cars they are terrified of the dole and so work like slaves just to survive.what did McCawber say..annual income "£20 annual expenditure £19/19/6 result happiness..annual income £20 annual expenditure £20 and sixpence result misery..that is more true nowadays than ever before.

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i see both sides to this arguement as my mum is an unemployed single mother and my dad is a full time (9 - 5) working parent, but there are reasons why people can't work and it can be hard to go back to work when you have 2 kids and are living on benefits, but you shouldn't discriminate them. people say that its a pain giving the money and 'sharing' it but they should relise how hard it is for a family to find work when they can't physically do it. well thats my opinion anyway lol xxx

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i see both sides to this arguement as my mum is an unemployed single mother and my dad is a full time (9 - 5) working parent, but there are reasons why people can't work and it can be hard to go back to work when you have 2 kids and are living on benefits, but you shouldn't discriminate them. people say that its a pain giving the money and 'sharing' it but they should relise how hard it is for a family to find work when they can't physically do it. well thats my opinion anyway lol xxx



Like I said, if you can work, you should! If everyone who could did then the world would be a better place.


As for Rotherhamer. You think people are entitled to claim money and fiddle? you dont think they should stop popping out kids and go and earn and honest living! I would shoot all the lazy pigs round here if I could. A woman round the corner from me and her family have no illnesses and she has even said 'why should I bust my ass working when I can get money for staying at home' People like that are true scrubbers of this world and I dont know anyone who wouldnt think that if she'd have said it to you!

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Makes you wonder how people on benefits can afford a computer, to me it's a luxury, unless it's needed for work, then if it's used for work you wouldn't be eligible for benefits confused:

So what you are trying to say that anyone on benefits whether its any fault of their own or not shouldn't have any luxuries.I find that comment insulting,selfish and inane.Even the so called American Dream is pie in the sky and a comment like that is rich coming from probably the most corrupt nation on earth,with an attitude like that its no wonder America is the most hated nation in the world.

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So what you are trying to say that anyone on benefits whether its any fault of their own or not shouldn't have any luxuries.I find that comment insulting,selfish and inane.Even the so called American Dream is pie in the sky and a comment like that is rich coming from probably the most corrupt nation on earth,with an attitude like that its no wonder America is the most hated nation in the world.


Ooops! hit a sore spot did I ? you must be on benefits then :hihi:

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