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The benefits class

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Yes, really. Don't kid yourself - if everyone was rewarded according to how hard they worked at their job, there'd be a lot of millionaires at work, especially in the health services. Unfortunately, real life ain't like that.


Come on down into the real world, DungBeetle, or whatever your real Forum name is.




Working hard at school/work simply does not automatically translate into wealth. Not having an education does almost guarantee you will struggle, but having one is no meal ticket. I know countless Oxbridge grads on quite low wages.


Jobs which demand incredible intellect yet pay peanuts include work in the science and research sector, academic work and pretty much most jobs in the public sector. One of the marks of being Upper Middle class is often genteel poverty. Conversely, someone could spend their days at school living it up but then go to train as a city trader and end up rolling in money - an old route to cash for rough, uneducated Essex boys.

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Wow, you really are bitter and jealous that some people have achieved more than you with their lives, aren’t you?? :loopy:

Perhaps you should have worked harder at school.

Why should I be bitter I can go out for a drink whenever I choose,I go abroad twice,maybe three times a year,I have no debt and everything I have is mine bought and paid for with good old cash so I have no worries about my car being towed away,my house being repossessed or fears of baillifs knocking on my door.I wonder how many people you know can say the same

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Working hard at school/work simply does not automatically translate into wealth. Not having an education does almost guarantee you will struggle, but having one is no meal ticket. I know countless Oxbridge grads on quite low wages.


Jobs which demand incredible intellect yet pay peanuts include work in the science and research sector, academic work and pretty much most jobs in the public sector. One of the marks of being Upper Middle class is often genteel poverty. Conversely, someone could spend their days at school living it up but then go to train as a city trader and end up rolling in money - an old route to cash for rough, uneducated Essex boys.


We are totally in agreement here then, Mathom



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But they aren't always sufficient. I see your point in some cases, but I think sometimes people generalise that everybody on benefits has the life of Reilly.


Out of £59.15 a week £5 gets taken off me straight away by the CSA (no complaints about that but I'd rather be working and paying for my kids myself). Then £9.50 for a tram ticket. I put money to one side for my mobile bill (its my only means of contact for a job so essential) and also have £7 a month to pay on my Argos card for stuff I needed when I got my bedsit. On top of that, Sheffield City Council in their infinite wisdom decided that they were only going to pay part of my rent. so week after week I am falling further into debt.


I am applying for loads of jobs, many of which don't even have the common courtesy to reply back. The interviews I've had, I've been up against other applicants so you have to play the percentage game there. One even said "I didn't look like a driver", I'm a bit tubby, balding and in my thirties, I look like about 60% of every van driver I've ever met!!


So, its not always luxury. It saps my pride. I can't go for a pint, I can't take my kids for a burger when I go to see them and I can't do nice things for my girlfriend. I'm not expecting the taxpayer to subsidise those, I'm just saying those are the things I miss and it hurts.


This is so true, that was my experience of the benefit system too. Who in their right mind would want to live like this if they had a choice.

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This is so true, that was my experience of the benefit system too. Who in their right mind would want to live like this if they had a choice.


all the ones than can figure a way to get £400 a week, mortgages paid, or big 5 bedroom houses.


is it right for the state to pay someones mortgage for 12 years,whilstthatproperty is escalating in value. meanwhile i suffer to maintain my payments with ever increasing interest rates.

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i dont believe that she gets disability for just a rash she as got to have other things wrong like possible mental probs or something, you would not get disability for just a rash and not for to have a carer. my daughter in law was born with cerabal palsy and my son gets carers to look after her and he had a right fight on his hands to get it as she can do somethings for herself but not capable of looking after a child and he needed to be at home to look after his son.you cant get carers to look after someone if you have someone to look after you because if you need to have someone help you, you cant get carers to help them. there is lying going on they get their own carers money and tells them that someone else is caring for them not each other or they would not get the money


m8 stright up and let god strike me down, she gets DLA for a skin rash. They are awarded £160 each per month + care allowence and clothing allowence and bedding as the cream they use marks things.


She even gets holiday money from DLA cos' she's taking them to Skegness on Friday for a week all paid for by the DLA @ tax payers expence.


I recon it's how you play the system rather then how bad your illness is.

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I hope you find a decent job soon and everything works out for you.


Thanks mate, that means a lot. Been for an interview today which went well, but so did some of the others so I've learnt not to count any chickens.

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The most frustrating thing is the inequality of how the system actually works, and the way everybody is treated as the lowest common denominator. I remember one time, I was looking at the job points, and my GF rang me. As soon as I answered the phone one of the security guys barked "mobiles aren't allowed in here". Now I'm not sure what crime I was committing by answering a call, but I do know there was a few youths outside openly smoking weed. Nothing was said to them though. Not withstanding the fact they were breaking the law, how the bloody hell could they afford it if they are on the same money as me?

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Surely someone reading this thread can give this ^ guy (NPB) a break?


Thanks Jonny, thats all I'm asking. On top of everything else my Mum passed away at the weekend and my GF is very ill.


I don't remember crashing a jumbo jet into a mirror factory, but I suppose I must have at some point!!

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Jobs which demand incredible intellect yet pay peanuts include work in the science and research sector, academic work and pretty much most jobs in the public sector.


The difference between private and public sector work is £12 a week for the same type of jobs more for public sector work (+ all the other massive benefits like pensions) It's only in the top 25% of jobs where the private sector earn more.

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