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The benefits class

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It's an observation of suspected fact - which is very different indeed. Think about it a little harder and you may understand.

How can you have a suspected fact:huh: and stop patronising everyone that doesn't agree with your views.

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Rotherhamer is so blinded by his class envy that he'll grab at any straw to feed his bitter vision. A very sad case.

Where do you get this class envy from? My point is just the opposite of that,somebody who is working class and like you seem to be consider themselves lower than antbody else decides to make themselves "better",thats there thinking no one elses.so they get into debt whay they cant afford just to keep up with the "Joneses" I probably earn as much as or maybe more than these wannabes middle class ans it doesnt matter to me if i was earning 200k,I was born working class,my parents were born working class and thats a fact that im not ashamed of,in that respect I dont think myself any better or any worse than anybody else,Im me ,nobody else and I dont want to be anybody else,I can go into the roughest pub in Rotherham and feel comfortable or I can go upmarket and still feel as comfortable.This is why we seem to differ you give me the impression that you look down on the people claiming benefits and would probably "suck up" to a titled person,I would treat them both the same because at the end of the day the people on benefit are the same human being as the priveliged.no better,no worse,if you think im wrong in that respect im afraid youve got the class envy not me. A person is a person whether he be joe bloggs from some downtrodden council estate or lord stiff upper lip from a country manor,the only difference between them is money,the rich have it ,the poor dont,the middle class wannabes want it or rather ,the respect they think they will get from having it.

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and you have proof that he's a member of the bnp.


fantastic posts HH, you're either insulting people and calling them liars or insulting them by accuding them of being members of alleged racist political parties.


do you not know how to debate or offer opinion without such crass childish behaviour.


He has openly said he is a member of the Oxford BNP.

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From what I've seen of Happyhippy, no he doesn't. As you say his posts are either insulting, accuse people of lies, or are simply childish.

He's clearly unintelligent and I suspect has special needs.


Ha ha ha! And I suppose that's a clinical psychological observation, and not an insult?


As someone who has worked in this field for nearly all of my working life, I've simply said that the said actions cannot, and do not happen. To propagate such lies (or shall we fluff it up and call them "urban myths"), is irresponsible, and merely creates the divisiveness which causes such misunderstanding and resentment.

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He's clearly unintelligent and I suspect has special needs.



It's an observation of suspected fact - which is very different indeed. Think about it a little harder and you may understand.


Interestingly, these comments unwittingly say more about you then they do anyone else.

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Where do you get this class envy from? My point is just the opposite of that,somebody who is working class and like you seem to be consider themselves lower than antbody else decides to make themselves "better",thats there thinking no one elses.so they get into debt whay they cant afford just to keep up with the "Joneses" I probably earn as much as or maybe more than these wannabes middle class ans it doesnt matter to me if i was earning 200k,I was born working class,my parents were born working class and thats a fact that im not ashamed of,in that respect I dont think myself any better or any worse than anybody else,Im me ,nobody else and I dont want to be anybody else,I can go into the roughest pub in Rotherham and feel comfortable or I can go upmarket and still feel as comfortable.This is why we seem to differ you give me the impression that you look down on the people claiming benefits and would probably "suck up" to a titled person,I would treat them both the same because at the end of the day the people on benefit are the same human being as the priveliged.no better,no worse,if you think im wrong in that respect im afraid youve got the class envy not me. A person is a person whether he be joe bloggs from some downtrodden council estate or lord stiff upper lip from a country manor,the only difference between them is money,the rich have it ,the poor dont,the middle class wannabes want it or rather ,the respect they think they will get from having it.

I think I can just about extract some meaning from the shambles of so-called written English above.

As it happens, I certainly do consider talented, hard-working people to be ‘better’ than the talentless or the lazy. That very roughly equates to successful people being better than unsuccessful ones; and yes, I do look down on the benefit spongers – I would have them all thrown into workhouses if they don’t find work within a short timescale.

Interestingly though, you seem to think that people associate class directly with money – you could not be more wrong. There are members of the landed upper classes with no money at all, but they remain upper class. There are working class people who are roiling in it – footballers, scrap dealers done good, the obscene ‘new money’ types who flaunt the cash that they do not have the culture or breeding to spend wisely or gracefully. They may have money, but that does not buy them class.

Somebody’s ‘class’ is identified by their spoken English, manners, understanding of social etiquette, upbringing, education and profession. The ‘keeping up with the Joneses’ is in your head. The higher people are up the social ladder, the less they care about materialistic things, because such posturing and crass displays are the stuff of the upper working class and ‘new money’. It is seen as vulgar by the more refined. Class really isn’t a matter of how much they win on the lottery.


I am sure that you would indeed be very comfortable in the roughest pub in Rotherham. I am less sure that you would fit in ‘upmarket’; you would hardly understand social etiquette to begin with, and would I expect bring down the tone of a nice suburban pub on the West side of Sheffield.

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Ha ha ha!

As someone who has worked in this field for nearly all of my working life, I've simply said that the said actions cannot, and do not happen. To propagate such lies (or shall we fluff it up and call them "urban myths"), is irresponsible, and merely creates the divisiveness which causes such misunderstanding and resentment.


and thats like me saying that no one gives away their home or cash lump sums to stop paying inheritance tax.

it's not legal, i advise against it, i've been in the industry long enough not to be naive.


it happens. take my word on it.


in my lifetime i have reported 5 people for benefit fraud or claiming allowances to which they weren't entitled.

now this isn't fact - but 4 of them were made aware they were being reassessed, 2 reported to family members they were being re-assessed and then advised of the outcome.

1 of them told me personally he was being investigated for claiming tax credits to which he wasn't entitled.and the last 1 lost her claim for benefit , and had to reclaim admitting that the father of her child did spend more than 3 nights in her home, which meant they were cohabiting.

i don't need to make this stuff up, i've got better things to do.

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and thats like me saying that no one gives away their home or cash lump sums to stop paying inheritance tax.

it's not legal, i advise against it, i've been in the industry long enough not to be naive.


it happens. take my word on it.


in my lifetime i have reported 5 people for benefit fraud or claiming allowances to which they weren't entitled.now this isn't fact - but 4 of them were made aware they were being reassessed, 2 reported to family members they were being re-assessed and then advised of the outcome.

1 of them told me personally he was being investigated for claiming tax credits to which he wasn't entitled.and the last 1 lost her claim for benefit , and had to reclaim admitting that the father of her child did spend more than 3 nights in her home, which meant they were cohabiting.

i don't need to make this stuff up, i've got better things to do.


What a rich, valuable and fulfilling life you must lead :rolleyes:


I find your post above so sad, I almost feel sorry for you



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