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The benefits class

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What a rich, valuable and fulfilling life you must lead :rolleyes:


I find your post above so sad, I almost feel sorry for you




i'm glad for you. i need as much as support as i can get.

at least i have moral standards and don't just talk about it and do nothing.

at least we know which side you take when it comes to fraud and stealing, i'll bear it in mind when you next disagree with someone and try to take the moral high ground.


thieves should be reported , and thats what they were.it's not even as though they actually needed the money.

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What a rich, valuable and fulfilling life you must lead :rolleyes:

I find your post above so sad, I almost feel sorry for you


I wish more people had Willman's sense of social responsibility, and morality, rather than encouraging people to defraud.

When you come across a thief, do you pat them on the back and say 'good on ya' ?

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I wish more people had Willman's sense of social responsibility, and morality, rather than encouraging people to defraud.

When you come across a thief, do you pat them on the back and say 'good on ya' ?


Of course not :rolleyes:


I just find it sad that some people make themselves feel good and 'superior' by making the lives of fellow human beings that little bit more miserable than they need to be. I don't think it's big or clever of Willman to report people who are already amongst the unfortunate in society. It's like kicking someone when they're down - not very sporting, eh, DungBeetle?


God forbid it should be either of you scraping along just trying to keep yourselves and your families going with the minimum of resources to do so.



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Of course not :rolleyes:

I just find it sad that some people make themselves feel good and 'superior' by making the lives of fellow human beings that little bit more miserable than they need to be. I don't think it's big or clever of Willman to report people who are already amongst the unfortunate in society. It's like kicking someone when they're down - not very sporting, eh, DungBeetle?

God forbid it should be either of you scraping along just trying to keep yourselves and your families going with the minimum of resources to do so.


So you think it's okay for people to defraud the state because they’re on benefits? In many cases, it means that they're actually working for cash and claiming at the same time – how do they compare to the honest, hard-working families who don’t cheat or steal, but get by on less income than the benefit fraudsters?


Do you advocate that those people should turn to theft as well?


Take a step back from your remark and think about it – you are indirectly (only just indirectly) saying that it’s all right for people to steal if they can’t afford the luxuries they want.

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Of course not :rolleyes:


I just find it sad that some people make themselves feel good and 'superior' by making the lives of fellow human beings that little bit more miserable than they need to be. I don't think it's big or clever of Willman to report people who are already amongst the unfortunate in society. It's like kicking someone when they're down - not very sporting, eh, DungBeetle?


God forbid it should be either of you scraping along just trying to keep yourselves and your families going with the minimum of resources to do so.




i don't feel superior. i feel RIGHT. i'm not better , i'm just not a thief.

you see, yet again you try to infer that i've done something wrong.

the people i reported weren't unfortunate in any way - don't forget i know them and their lives.

so you think its right for someone in a £150k house to tell the state that her partner lives away so that the state pay the mortgage. meanwhile her partners earning 25k and they are cohabiting.

why are they needy??


how about a guy who abandons his wife and 3 kids, runs off with another woman and then tries to claim for his new bits child and his own 3.he then tries to fraudulently claim benefits for them, whilst both him and his new bit are in fulltime well job.


whats so needy about them?


or how about a guy who earns £150 a week work pension, yet claims to be incapable of walking 50 yards. he therefore gets allsorts of beneifts. motability,blue badge.

best of all he has an allotment which he walks 1/2 a mile too EVERY day, sometimes twice a day. and tends to all his planting.(which he has done for 30 years).

now is he disabled or is there someone somewhere else who best needs the money he's recieving.


i could go on, but i can't be bothered.

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So you think it's okay for people to defraud the state because they’re on benefits? In many cases, it means that they're actually working for cash and claiming at the same time – how do they compare to the honest, hard-working families who don’t cheat or steal, but get by on less income than the benefit fraudsters?


Do you advocate that those people should turn to theft as well?


Take a step back from your remark and think about it – you are indirectly (only just indirectly) saying that it’s all right for people to steal if they can’t afford the luxuries they want.


I'm not saying that at all. If I thought you had any sense of honour, I'd demand that you retract what you've just said. It's only a little short of libel.


The fact is, I'm just saddened that Willman is clearly so proud of himself for being a snitch that he actually boasts about it. Of course I don't agree with benefit fraud, of course people shouldn't do it, of course it's ultimately thieving - but self-righteous people who think they're better than everyone else, with a false sense of the rightness of their own personal morality, really do make me feel sick.



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I think I can just about extract some meaning from the shambles of so-called written English above.

As it happens, I certainly do consider talented, hard-working people to be ‘better’ than the talentless or the lazy. That very roughly equates to successful people being better than unsuccessful ones; and yes, I do look down on the benefit spongers – I would have them all thrown into workhouses if they don’t find work within a short timescale.

Interestingly though, you seem to think that people associate class directly with money – you could not be more wrong. There are members of the landed upper classes with no money at all, but they remain upper class. There are working class people who are roiling in it – footballers, scrap dealers done good, the obscene ‘new money’ types who flaunt the cash that they do not have the culture or breeding to spend wisely or gracefully. They may have money, but that does not buy them class.

Somebody’s ‘class’ is identified by their spoken English, manners, understanding of social etiquette, upbringing, education and profession. The ‘keeping up with the Joneses’ is in your head. The higher people are up the social ladder, the less they care about materialistic things, because such posturing and crass displays are the stuff of the upper working class and ‘new money’. It is seen as vulgar by the more refined. Class really isn’t a matter of how much they win on the lottery.


I am sure that you would indeed be very comfortable in the roughest pub in Rotherham. I am less sure that you would fit in ‘upmarket’; you would hardly understand social etiquette to begin with, and would I expect bring down the tone of a nice suburban pub on the West side of Sheffield.

You self centered arrogant insulting scum,Yove probably got nothing yourself and being skint cant afford to do nothing else but sit on here,tell you what I'll do ,you probably couldn't afford it so i'll pay,I dont mind helping lifes losers out,pick any pub,hotel or restaurant you want and you and I will go in,lets see who adapts best.Dung beetle's probably your ideal name they spend their lives eatins ****

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The fact is, I'm just saddened that Willman is clearly so proud of himself for being a snitch that he actually boasts about it. StarSparkle


i wasn't boasting. i'm not ashamed of doing it, but that isn't the same as being proud.

i was making a point to happyhippy - that i have had personal experience of things that he denies happening.

but obviously you didn't read the posts clearly enough, and decided to rain abuse down on well meaning people.


obviously you like to boast that you don't agree with reporting people, which you are entitled too. but it doesn't make you a better person than me.

just someone with lesser moral standards or apathy.

why complain about the state of the country and do nothing about it..

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I do look down on the benefit spongers – I would have them all thrown into workhouses if they don’t find work within a short timescale.

Ohhh a climb down that isn't it Dungbeatle? just the workhouse for them... you changed your mind about gassing them in concentration camps now then?

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