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The benefits class

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I don't think it's big or clever of Willman to report people who are already amongst the unfortunate in society. It's like kicking someone when they're down –
You quite clearly suggest here that it is wrong to report people for benefit fraud.


I'm not saying that at all. If I thought you had any sense of honour, I'd demand that you retract what you've just said. It's only a little short of libel.
See above. No, it’s nowhere near libel (don’t be a drama queen) and I would retract it as was not an entirely deserved observation.


The fact is, I'm just saddened that Willman is clearly so proud of himself for being a snitch that he actually boasts about it. Of course I don't agree with benefit fraud, of course people shouldn't do it, of course it's ultimately thieving - but self-righteous people who think they're better than everyone else, with a false sense of the rightness of their own personal morality, really do make me feel sick.
I too would be proud of reporting people who were stealing; I’d be happy that their crimes were being accounted for.


If a type of person were to make me sick, it would be those devoid of morality and social responsibility with a sadly deluded and misguided view that it is wrong to report criminals.

Hand-wringing liberal do-gooders, who are blind to the damage they do to society, which is worse than that done by the dregs they defend.

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You self centered arrogant insulting scum,Yove probably got nothing yourself and being skint cant afford to do nothing else but sit on here,tell you what I'll do ,you probably couldn't afford it so i'll pay,I dont mind helping lifes losers out,pick any pub,hotel or restaurant you want and you and I will go in,lets see who adapts best.Dung beetle's probably your ideal name they spend their lives eatins ****
Oh dear, I think he's lost it.


Thank you for the kind offer, but I'm rather selective when it comes to the company I like to keep. You keep to the slums, and I'll keep to my leafy suburbs on the edge of the Peak District.


And do try not to foam at the mouth so much - it really doesn't become you :hihi:

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You quite clearly suggest here that it is wrong to report people for benefit fraud.


See above. No, it’s nowhere near libel (don’t be a drama queen) and I would retract it as was not an entirely deserved observation.


I too would be proud of reporting people who were stealing; I’d be happy that their crimes were being accounted for.


If a type of person were to make me sick, it would be those devoid of morality and social responsibility with a sadly deluded and misguided view that it is wrong to report criminals.

Hand-wringing liberal do-gooders, who are blind to the damage they do to society, which is worse than that done by the dregs they defend.


Oh, I'm a "hand-wringing, liberal do-gooder" am I now? :o That's a new one on me - usually that sort of person villifies me on this Forum :hihi: Thanks for the laugh :thumbsup:



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i wasn't boasting. i'm not ashamed of doing it, but that isn't the same as being proud.

i was making a point to happyhippy - that i have had personal experience of things that he denies happening.

but obviously you didn't read the posts clearly enough, and decided to rain abuse down on well meaning people.


obviously you like to boast that you don't agree with reporting people, which you are entitled too. but it doesn't make you a better person than me.

just someone with lesser moral standards or apathy.

why complain about the state of the country and do nothing about it..


My moral standards are certainly not inferior to yours in any way, thank you very much. My moral standards are actually very high - but I like to think that I apply them with a touch of humanity and sympathy and understanding, which sadly you do not appear to do.



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My moral standards are actually very high - but I like to think that I apply them with a touch of humanity and sympathy and understanding, which sadly you do not appear to do.


So it's okay for people to steal as long as you like them or feel sorry for them :rolleyes:
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My moral standards are certainly not inferior to yours in any way, thank you very much. My moral standards are actually very high - but I like to think that I apply them with a touch of humanity and sympathy and understanding, which sadly you do not appear to do.





as i've already stated already in my opinion the people didn't need humanity or sympathy.if you've read the post, you obviously think they're entitled to steal.



now if a single parent family, 3 child,abondoned by the father and husband - elaborated on their claim form (i probably wouldn't know about it) i might not act the same as i would on somoene in £150k house claiming mortgage payments for 16 hour working weeks when the partner earned a fortune and was named jointly on the motgage and lived there.


the next time i see someone mugging an old lady i'll show sympathy and humanity. they might not be able to afford the drugs or booze the want.

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