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The benefits class

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as for the benefits class, maybe pride was too strong a word, but there is a generation who feel that benefits are their entitlement, and do make it a career, seeing how much they can claim is their version of a promotion.


I have never critisised those in genuine need of the safety net of benefits, which would be obvious if you were to read my earlier posts.



But if you label the layabout category 'The Benefits Class' you are automatically smearing the name of everyone who is claiming legally, due to genuine disablement, and so forth. You cannot have a footnote excluding those *in genuine need* if your banner headline equates to 'anyone on benefits'. There is enough prejudice and ignorance to battle against as it is without you and starters of similar threads fuelling it further. Most of these threads feebly claim not to be aimed at those who claim for the right reasons, but invariably those genuine claimants get swept into the scrounger category. It happens time and time again.


As for entitlement, everyone is entitled to benefits if they fall on hard times for some reason, and no-one should be made to feel ashamed if they claim legitimately. The subtext to your thread is that people who claim benefits = crooks. Choose a title that applies to those you mean, not one that condemns thousands who have done no wrong.

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I chose the benefits class deliberately, scroungers should be shopped, it is those who give the genuinely needy a bad name, not me.



you said your neighbours were dole bludgers popping out kids with no intention of working, scroungers should be shopped?


Your definition above tells me that you should be shopping them, for what exactly is your problem you said you would do it.

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you said your neighbours were dole bludgers popping out kids with no intention of working, scroungers should be shopped?


Your definition above tells me that you should be shopping them, for what exactly is your problem you said you would do it.



They are part of the benefits class,

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Then start a thread on the defence budget.



Why? You quoted the figure of £13billion as the annual benefits budget, and I pointed out that it's not really that much in terms of government spending, using the £30billion plus annual defence budget as an example. Totally relevant to the OP. No need for a seperate thread.

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Ugh, I am now convinced that Mr Contrite IS the new Bartfarst.


Typical Daily Mail reading scum who hates the world and everyone in it who doesn't fit in what his definition of what is "normal"... :rant:


Define "normal" though?! :loopy:

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How many of the posters on here have spent a full day in a Jobcentre Plus office? The bulk of my contracted IT work has kept me in these places for the last year or so and I see that hardcore group of 'benefit scoungers' day in day out. The vast majority of people visiting Jobcentre Plus are actively seeking work (and are deserving of benefits) however the remainder are just going through the motions in order to continue receiving their benefits with no intention of working. They take advantage of a very flaky benefits system and know that as long as they turn up (after stashing their alcohol filled brown paper bags in a bush) they will get their next lump of cash to fill another brown paper bag.


These people are not necessarily unemployable, they just prefer it that way. :huh:

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