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The benefits class

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Originally Posted by poppins View Post

Don't they do that now ? I thought that was done all over. In the US they give out food stamps but thats all you can buy, they can't even chuck in a tv guide at the check out or a pack of gum, has to be food only.


If by that you mean that they have a far better idea of dealing with scroungers and underclasses than we have, then yes - I'd agree.


I have a feeling about you Dungbeetle that you consider anyone who is not working, to be a scrounger.

I think among these people you consider pensioners.

Men and Women who have worked their lives out and are now relaxing in their old age.


Yet you respect the affluent who thieve off our country by salting their money away where tax cannot be charged.

You have a mixed up set of ideas certainly.

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I have a feeling about you Dungbeetle that you consider anyone who is not working, to be a scrounger.

I think among these people you consider pensioners.

Men and Women who have worked their lives out and are now relaxing in their old age.

No, we need a state support system to help those who are between jobs, look after those genuinely unable to work, and the retired.

My concern is that we do not take action to deal with the professional scroungers – who account for half of all claimants and the biggest single drain on the national purse.


Yet you respect the affluent who thieve off our country by salting their money away where tax cannot be charged.

You have a mixed up set of ideas certainly.

Whatever makes you think this? I have stated clearly and often that the tax laws are badly wrong and we need a flat tax rate to end overnight the appalling myriad of tax avoidance routes available to such people.
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No, we need a state support system to help those who are between jobs, look after those genuinely unable to work, and the retired.

My concern is that we do not take action to deal with the professional scroungers – who account for half of all claimants and the biggest single drain on the national purse.


Half of benefit recipients are scroungers? From where the hell has this statistic been dredged? Lest it be forgotten, Child Benefit is an entitlement to all with children, and to those who have an income based benefit, is immediately reduced from their other benefits. The Royal Family could claim Child Benefit for kids under 16 should they wish, in law.


Those in work receive extra, those out of work, unless it's a benefit they receive having contributed to the NI, don't.


Whatever makes you think this? I have stated clearly and often that the tax laws are badly wrong and we need a flat tax rate to end overnight the appalling myriad of tax avoidance routes available to such people.


The thing is that tax avoidance would continue even if there were to be a flat rate, and more than likely at the same rate of avoidance as now.

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I am as well. I'm pretty sure it won't be reflective of the majority of people I've interviewed over the years and will pander to the Daily Heil crew.


We shall see.


I have the feeling that I will be annoyed after it. :hihi:


Something about the editting of TV progs that try and annoy people and entertain at same time.

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