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The benefits class

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I cant agree with this post Dungbeetle, family tax credits are there to replace the money lost due to loss of a wage earner due to bringing up the children and child benefit is there for anyone who has children not a bad idea when you consider the possible future population problems due to couples decided not to have children etc plus the children brought up correctly will go into work and pay that money back through tax and national insurance and the cycle goes on. Those two benefits are ones I don't see a problem with to be honest we need couples to have children and that right should not just be mutually exclusive to the well off although I would go as far to say that maybe they ought to be based on NI contributions so as to stop the never have worked never will work mass producing feral children all of which will probably be a future burden on the state.
I can see your argument, but I don’t agree that we need to encourage people to have children.

The world’s population is exploding because we’ve meddled with the third world and given food and medical aid to nations that will now breed like locusts because infant mortality rates have been reduced.

Closer to home, we don’t have enough jobs in the UK, and we have a serious housing shortfall that will see property prices continue to rise above inflation for at least 20 years. Do you seriously think we need to encourage people to have kids?

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Or bragging about it either by the looks of it
It just galls me that I take virtually nothing from the system, but have to give 41% of what I earn to our lefty government, who will in turn give the biggest chunk of that cash to dole monkeys.

The welfare state shold be replaced by private income insurance schemes, like we have Bupa for medical care. That way everybody pays for themselves.

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I can see your argument, but I don’t agree that we need to encourage people to have children.

The world’s population is exploding because we’ve meddled with the third world and given food and medical aid to nations that will now breed like locusts because infant mortality rates have been reduced.

Closer to home, we don’t have enough jobs in the UK, and we have a serious housing shortfall that will see property prices continue to rise above inflation for at least 20 years. Do you seriously think we need to encourage people to have kids?


now I'm no Bob Geldoff or Bono (in fact I can't stand either of them) but that's about the least caring, heartless post I've ever seen.

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It just galls me that I take virtually nothing from the system, but have to give 41% of what I earn to our lefty government, who will in turn give the biggest chunk of that cash to dole monkeys.

The welfare state shold be replaced by private income insurance schemes, like we have Bupa for medical care. That way everybody pays for themselves.


I used to think like you, but then I asked myself a couple of questions:

1. Do these people have a better life than me?

2. Would I swap places with them?


So now, although it does wind me up that some people never intend to work or contribute, I just think "if that's the life they want for themselves then leave them to it".


The problem with doing away with the NHS (which is what you seem to be suggesting) is that it favours the rich. you end up with working class people getting worse treatment than the middle classes. Now where health is concearned I don't think this should be the case!

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I used to think like you, but then I asked myself a couple of questions:

1. Do these people have a better life than me?

2. Would I swap places with them?

So now, although it does wind me up that some people never intend to work or contribute, I just think "if that's the life they want for themselves then leave them to it".

I would be happy to leave them to it if they weren’t a drain on my taxes. But they are- and I’d like to see the numbers in incapacity and income support slashed and forced to work to reduce the hideous tax burden on the country’s hardest workers.


The problem with doing away with the NHS (which is what you seem to be suggesting) is that it favours the rich. you end up with working class people getting worse treatment than the middle classes. Now where health is concearned I don't think this should be the case!
No, I don’t suggest getting rid of the NHS, but I would strip it back to basics and life-saving treatment only. The idea of somebody getting cosmetic treatment, for example, on the NHS appals me.

If we say the poor and the rich should be entitled to the same treatment, we may as well say let’s go communist and pay everybody the same. Those who have worked harder and succeeded should be entitled to enjoy the privileges they have earned.

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It just galls me that I take virtually nothing from the system, but have to give 41% of what I earn to our lefty government


So do I, but I don't lay awake at night fretting about it, relax, it's out of your control so there is no point in getting stressed about it.

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I would be happy to leave them to it if they weren’t a drain on my taxes. But they are- and I’d like to see the numbers in incapacity and income support slashed and forced to work to reduce the hideous tax burden on the country’s hardest workers.


No, I don’t suggest getting rid of the NHS, but I would strip it back to basics and life-saving treatment only. The idea of somebody getting cosmetic treatment, for example, on the NHS appals me.

If we say the poor and the rich should be entitled to the same treatment, we may as well say let’s go communist and pay everybody the same. Those who have worked harder and succeeded should be entitled to enjoy the privileges they have earned.


you're assuming that someone who earns, say £60k a year works harder than someone who earns, say £12k a year. Not always the case. I work in a company that employs people on all different pay scales, from >£100k to <£15k. the people on £15k may work just as hard as people on £40k, or £50k etc.


Just because you earn a good wage or have a lot of cash doesn't mean you work harder than someone who doesn't.

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now I'm no Bob Geldoff or Bono (in fact I can't stand either of them) but that's about the least caring, heartless post I've ever seen.
Some problems have to be examined in a fashion that does not fall prey to emotive issues. The issues in the developing world are being made worse by our intervention - populations are held naturally in check by availability of food and prevalence of disease. What would the UK's rabbit population be like if we produced hoppers full of rabbit food with drugs to prevent myxomatosis in every farmer's field?

It may seem a callous observation, but that is what Western interference is doing in Africa.


The world's population expansion forecasts are alarming over the next few decades. it is going to become hard to actually produce enough food and we in the UK will not be glad of an increased population when it all becomes a world crisis.

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