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The benefits class

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Not in all cases, but would you say that the person who over 25 years works up from the shop floor to running the business works no harder than the one who still wraps parcels in the warehouse?


Our society does reward talent and hard work with better wages and positions. The people in those positions didn't get there without drive and work in the first place.


by that logic if everyone worked as hard as each other they could all become managers and there would be no one left to do the real work.

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You should count yourself as one of the lucky ones then, the ones who are fortunate enough not to need help from the state. Not everyone is so lucky.


Who knows, one of these days you may well find yourself being in need of some help - no-one knows what is round the corner for any of us - and you will be very glad then that people like yourself were required to pay into the system to support others.



I do not suggest that we fail to look after the needy, just that we cut off the scroungers – put them in workhouses if need be.

However, the whole system could be replaced by a government-subsidised contributory scheme much the same as pensions.

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by that logic if everyone worked as hard as each other they could all become managers and there would be no one left to do the real work.
However, we all know that people are not created equal, so the less able and the less diligent will remain at the bottom of the pile.
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I do not suggest that we fail to look after the needy, just that we cut off the scroungers – put them in workhouses if need be.

However, the whole system could be replaced by a government-subsidised contributory scheme much the same as pensions.


yes picking oakum and the treadmill are much needed activities in 2007 are they not?

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I do not suggest that we fail to look after the needy, just that we cut off the scroungers – put them in workhouses if need be.

However, the whole system could be replaced by a government-subsidised contributory scheme much the same as pensions.

Higher tax bill as re a previous post..Who runs the workhouses?

In any case workhouses were a product of the Victorian era where people were used as virtual slaves.I would like to think that Britain has progressed a bit since then.

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you're assuming that someone who earns, say £60k a year works harder than someone who earns, say £12k a year. Not always the case. I work in a company that employs people on all different pay scales, from >£100k to <£15k. the people on £15k may work just as hard as people on £40k, or £50k etc.


Just because you earn a good wage or have a lot of cash doesn't mean you work harder than someone who doesn't.


But it might mean that the company you work for is better run than the other.

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