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Norfolk park pubs


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Do you want to give any reasons why you think it's a terrible idea Andy?


Because it's a horrible building. As the rest of the area is re-developed, do we really want a 1960s concrete mess in the middle of our houses?


Listing it will mean it's difficult to change the pub, or modernise it, or even demolish and replace it. I can forsee it becoming too expensive to maintain, and so it will end up a boarded up eyesore. Like Park Hill Flats, on a smaller scale.



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The Horse and Lion is now the only remaining pub in Norfolk Park. It has a unique architectural design, and was built circa 1960s. There is a currently a suggestion that it should be made a listed bulding. I'm collating views on this idea. What's your take on this idea?


I reckon it's a barmy idea.:loopy: It's just an ugly piece of 1960s crud. Pull the bugger down and build something more in keeping with the modern environment. Same goes for that other pile of hideous concrete crap, Park Hill Flats.:gag:


If you had to pick a boozer in that part of the city to be listed, then it would surely have to be the Vulcan, on Northern Avenue, with the magnificent panoramic view out over Sheffield through that massive window.:thumbsup:

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