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The Red Deer Pub


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I called into the Red Deer (just off West St) the other day to pass an afternoon in good company, and hopefully quaff several pints of quality ale. Having not been in there for a few years, I always remember the Red Deer as a real ale pub selling decent beer, but this time I was in for a shock. Although the company was good as always, the beer was absolutely awful. I tried 3 of the cask ales, 2 of which were only fit for tipping down the sink, and the third was just passable. The only way out in these circumstances is to surrender, and drink Guiness. "The Guiness is off" was the melancholic reply from behind the bar, with a shrug from the scruff who looked as though he had only just got out of bed and wasn't sure what day it was.

Am I being unfair, or has anyone else encountered this. Surely they can do better than this.

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Seems a very quiet pub when the students are not around - I'm not surprised - the beer probably been sititng in the tanks/casks/barrels/whatever for yonks and fermenting further ... lager usually a safer bet since more drink it - though I've had a bad carlsberg/fosters/carling or 2 in me day also

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I have also noticed a slip in the quality of this pubs standards. Was always a clean well run pub with good beer. Not any more the place looks like it could do with a good wash as do the bar staff who look like students.


What it needs is a landlord behind the bar and a return to the good old days or people will vote with there feet

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I'm amazed that the Red Deer still has a decent reputation to be fair, though I must admit, it's a long time since I've been in.


For a start, the last time I went in, the prices were farcical (JW Lees Mild, if I recall, a tad over 3%, for about £2.50), the range wasn't that good, and the beers weren't that well kept. This was about 3 years ago though.


I remember it in the early 90's, as one of the few Tetley Mild outlets (and I did like it, but I'd have preferred Ward's Mild!), and the beer was like milk.


The fact they put Banks' Bitter on says it all for me.

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This used to be a great pub, but it has started to slide.


Last time I went in (about 4 months ago) I had Black Sheep, my mate had Bombardier. Both pints were awful. Left about a third each.


It is also beginning to look a bit tatty.


They need to get their act together because if it carries on as it there is only one thing that is going to happen.


Really strange that they are letting their standards slip just as the market for what they can offer is booming.

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