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The Red Deer Pub


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I do think that the quality of the pints served there have been going slowly down hill (although it is true that I prefer lighter hoppy ales than those served by the Deer). I think it was March when I last went in, couldn't finish my pint because it was so poor, and decided not to go there again.

How long have you been associated with the Deer Andy C? From your other postings I can see that you know your stuff? Maybe it was just a bad batch?


I am taken aback by HH's condemnation of the Bath. Unless the Landlord has left in the last few months, I don't see how the standards could slip so much. That guy knows what he is doing.


I have no association, but as editor of Sheffield CAMRA's newsletter I like to support pubs that serve real ale - although there are a lot so it's difficult to personally get to many of them!


A number of CAMRA members went there as part of our beer capital survey last Saturday, and a few of us from the committee went a week before to take a photo for the Star to promote the survey event, and on both visits there were no issues with beer quality, although the beer range was reduced for the summer holidays.


Being owned by the pub company that it is though, you find the beer range are all well known beers that are distributed nationally such as Black Sheep Bitter and Caledonian Deuchars IPA.


Whilst they might have the odd bad day, I don't think there are issues with quality of beer in the pub, it's just that many Sheffielders have probably got a taste for more interesting locally brewed beers and perhaps find the beer choice at the Red Deer a little boring or not to their taste?

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We are currently concentrating on Local beers in support of brewers affected by the floods, as well local brewers as in general. So support local breweries and locally owned pubs and stop for a pint!


We have had in the last few weeks, Sheffield Brewery Five Rivers, Abbeydale Moonshine and Thornbridge Lord Marples. Stop in and request a beer you would like to see on Ecclesall Rd.


Devonshire Arms, Just past Shell, Opposite the old Wards Brewery.


Open for lunch 12-2 Mon till Fri and serving drinks until 12, 7 Days a week.

(Match days open at 12, food till 3. No match open at 5pm)

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I think you will find AndyC, that the average real ale drinker ( and no, I'm not talking about the beards & sandals brigade here) doesn't mind too much what is on offer in any particular pub , so long as the quality is good. We all accept that with cask ales, there will be some variation and, sometimes as the bottom of the barrel approaches, the beer can taste a bit leesy, that sort of thing. That is all part and parcel of drinking real ales. What we are not prepared to accept, is consistantly inferior ales where it is obvious that the proprieter has not put in the time and effort required to keep such ales in good condition. At the moment, it would appear that the Red Deer is getting by on its previous good name and unless they commit to delivering a quality product, then they will surely, like many others who think they can pass off a poor product at top prices.........go sliding down the pan.

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I am surprised and saddened to hear that some of you have had a less than excellent experience at the Red Deer.


While I admit that the pub has looked tatty recently, we are just now reaching the end of a major redecoration. We have built a shelter in the garden and redecorated throughout. We decided to carry out the work to coincide with the smoking ban, and as such, appreciate that the place was in need of redecoration for some time.


With respect to your complaints about the quality of the real ale on offer, might I suggest that if you are unhappy, let us know straight away. We are very committed to ensuring the best quality, and while there are a huge number of reasons your beer may not be perfect, many of these can be resolved easily once we know there is a problem. We are regularly complimented on the quality of our beer, and on the odd occasion we have a problem or make a mistake, we can usually fix it immediately.


Running a real ale pub is not easy, and over the past 6 years we have had many ups and downs, especially with our less than supportive pub company. We do, however, strive to provide top quality and value beer in a pleasant atmosphere, despite extensive trade price increases and perpetually rising utility expenses. We very much appreciate your continued support.

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Called into the Red Deer tonight and they have decorated and cleaned up pretty well (except the carpet). The blackboard menu has gone - hope the beef in beer hasn't!


All in all things were good - a very acceptable pint of Broadside. :)

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dont think Ive ever had a bad pint from the Red Deer, granted the carpet dose need changing but the bar staff are friendly and Im sure if you did have an off pint then im sure they would change it :)..Bath is pritty good as well again *tuch wood* no dodgey pints

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I worked in the Red Deer last year and I'm going out with one of the bar staff, so I'm regularly in the pub and I have a strong bond with the place.


So all in all I'm pretty gutted to hear your comments.


It comes across that many of you wish, and indeed hope, that the beer standard returns to usual and that the place generally smartens itself up. In all honesty, it hadn't occured to me that it had gone down!


So firstly, thanks for highlighting this factor to me. I'm almost certain that Sam and Simon are aware of your thoughts and will try their hardest to sort these things out. If they're not, I'll change that (though how to tell the owners of their pub that their customers ain't too happy, I don't know!).


Secondly, what beer would you want the Deer to sell? It seems that people might be unhappy with the Banks, what else would you recommend? And, do you appreciate the Hoegarden, or is it a waste of time? (I hope they'll keep it whatever though cos its the main thing I drink in there, hence why I didn't know the ale had gone down!).


Give them some advice and I'm sure you'll see a massive difference...:)

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While we always welcome suggestions regarding our choice of ales on offer, I must admit I would rather not discuss this in a thread entitled 'Red Deer - Awful Beer.'


This thread appears to be based on a bad experience for just four people, one of whom remembers drinking a beer we have never stocked, at a price we have never charged for any ale. This is in no way indicative of the majority of our customers' experience, and as previously mentioned, we are regularly complimented on the quality of the beer we serve. We are a member of Cask Marque, and were recently voted as Camra's pub of the month.


I believe we serve an excellent choice of top quality beer. True, we are unable to stock many local ales, but we do our best to provide a diverse range for all tastes. If you don't like Bank's Bitter (which I believe, like Tetley's, is often unfairly maligned, as it is a delicious and complex ale), we have others you might like. If you are not sure, ask to have a taste first.


Please be aware that we are closed on Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th August, for re-carpeting. We hope to see you all soon to inspect our new shag pile and sample the Bank's!

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