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Anyone remember the summer of 76

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What a remarkable story - you clearly made the right decision to get off the bus. It somehow reminds me of Chay Blyth (born 1940) who started on a rather mundane job in a Scottish textile mill, accidentally wrecked a machine (twice), got the sack and went off to become a paratrooper. Then he rowed a boat across the Atlantic, sailed all over the world etc. etc. and picked up a B.E.M. and knighthood along the way. It makes working in a bank seem boring and mundane. OK - I was given a decent package and pension at 54, but it would have been nice to look back on a bit more excitement. All the same I'm not doing bad in retirement, travelling the world - Siberia (with a return ticket) last year, America last month, South Africa in October. Long may you enjoy life, your family and (I'm sure) lots of activities.


Oddly I was a Signals Radio Technician but I retired in 1973. An interesting story about Chay Blyth. I was sitting in my boat in Benelmadena Spain and another boat pulled alongside. I got talking to the owner who told me it was the boat Chay Blyth attempted to take around the world. He sailed down the Solent ok and managed to miss the Isle of Wight but then got lost in the Channel and called for help.. The owner of the boat went out and brought the boat back to shore, taught Blyth some navigation but this time he got as far as the Cape of Good Hope where he lost a rudder.

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