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Depression (again!) - alternative treatments?

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Just wondering if anyone has tried an laternative treatment for depression? e.g hypnotherapy or acupuncture...


Doc juts changed my tablets again and i've tried them before and they just make me feel...:gag: sick and dizzy and i get chills, so i gave up after a week, i do have some cinnarizine to take for this but don't seem to have done much this morning.


If anyone has tried owt else, could you let me know where...


I know there is an acupuncture place on middlewood road that does a free taster session on the last sunday of every month, so i might try that this week...


Got nowt to lose!!!!!

i'm getting desperate, i'm only 29 and have been on meds for at least 4 years and nothing seems to have improved. have tried counselling too.

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Hi wondertec,


Prescription meds with counselling did not work for me either, Im not sure how your depression manifests itself. I sufferd from anxiety and depression. Changing my diet and lifestyle helped alot, I started taking a strong B vitamin complex with a good multi vitamin with zinc and a rhodiola rosea and fish oil concentrate. I stuck with it and felt better after 4-6 weeks. Yoga has been proven to help with depression too, it increases gaba production in the brain.


Good luck, hope you start feeling better soon!!

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Fish oil is definitely something to try. The other thing is exercise - regular exercise has been shown to be as effective as drugs in some case of mild to moderate depression (http://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/campaigns/mhaw/exercise-and-depression/). If you want to try something herbal then maybe St Johns Wort?


When you say you have had counseling, which type? The only type with any proven results is CBT - though the waiting list for it is horrendous (around 18 months - 2 years :o )

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Just wondering if anyone has tried an laternative treatment for depression? e.g hypnotherapy or acupuncture...


Doc juts changed my tablets again and i've tried them before and they just make me feel...:gag: sick and dizzy and i get chills, so i gave up after a week, i do have some cinnarizine to take for this but don't seem to have done much this morning.


If anyone has tried owt else, could you let me know where...


I know there is an acupuncture place on middlewood road that does a free taster session on the last sunday of every month, so i might try that this week...


Got nowt to lose!!!!!

i'm getting desperate, i'm only 29 and have been on meds for at least 4 years and nothing seems to have improved. have tried counselling too.




IMHO Hypnotherpay was best thing ever for me, it changed the way I was for the better. Never needed pills since, its might be psycological who know, who cares it worked for me end of! :D

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Just wondering if anyone has tried an laternative treatment for depression? e.g hypnotherapy or acupuncture...


Doc juts changed my tablets again and i've tried them before and they just make me feel...:gag: sick and dizzy and i get chills, so i gave up after a week, i do have some cinnarizine to take for this but don't seem to have done much this morning.


If anyone has tried owt else, could you let me know where...


I know there is an acupuncture place on middlewood road that does a free taster session on the last sunday of every month, so i might try that this week...


Got nowt to lose!!!!!

i'm getting desperate, i'm only 29 and have been on meds for at least 4 years and nothing seems to have improved. have tried counselling too.


Have you tried going out & doing some exercise.Like jogging or walking.

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Not sure whether you heard of Human Givens. I've got the book and it helped me to understand things. Are you a worrier? First thing is to stop worrying which I know is difficult if you're spending a lot of time by yourself and you may also be shutting yourself off from people.


If that's the case with you you need to find ways to stop worrying. Go for a walk, read a book, write a story, bake some bread - anything. Until you stop worrying you won't be able to go forward.


Also you need to thing about what could be wrong with your life. Do you hate your job, perhaps you've not got a social life whereas you used to be a social butterfly, perhaps you've not got a partner at the moment.


I'm only giving the basics here but its helped me along the way and out of the black hole!

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physical exercise is very very good for depression, counseling can be ok however it does depend on your problem in some cases it can be a little destructive. the main trigger to most mental health problems is stress....


do a mood diary every day and try to identify any stressors ie over tired, money trouble, family argument etc....if you can reduce the level of stress in your life then you have a better chance of combating your depression.


get plenty of sleep, eat well and exercise. get rid of stress and keep your sense of humor.....also Mind have lots of good advice..


Good luck..

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i used to exercise but i just can't be bothered to do anything, even getting up in a morning is a struggle...

I think if you take st johns wort, you have to stop other meds don't you?

I take fish oil and vitamin b compund already.


Just getting to the end of my tether..

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