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The Fulwood Inn


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... a lot of what's been posted comes over to me as absolute twaddle.


I think I would like to defend myself here scoobz.


In the thread about Aunt Sally I said

"I have been a 'regular' at Aunt Sally for a few years, one or two meals a month and I agree it isn't what it used to be.


I have now switched my allegiance to the The Fulwood Inn, the food is about the same but the environment is a lot better, the staff are friendly and you get table service - none of that queuing up palaver at the 'food service' counter and then having to go to the bar for drinks."


As you can see I have been positive about Fulwood Inn in the past and commented on other food establishments.


I think most of the negative reaction on this thread is due to the disappointment felt about somewhere that has obviously so much potential.

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I'm what you might call a semi-regular of the Fulwood Inn (or TFI as we call it).


The food, or quality of it 'blows hot and cold', that is, sometimes it's fine and other times is not that good. Normally it suffices for a quick bite (where a burger will do and the kids are happy with the usual fare) but I wouldn't take a visitor there or make an evening of it, so to speak.


People have a right to get decent food but sometimes I think people don't help themselves expecting Michelin rated nosh for less than a tenner a head. TFI is cheap and hopefully cheerful pub food, nothing more, nothing less.


The reason I call myself a semi-regular is more down to their beers and lagers. I find this to be of more concern than the standard of food and on some occasions I've tried the bitter, lager and cider and decided that none of them taste very nice at all.

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Sorry to ask but could you please tell me where this thread has gone chatty and off topic as I have read it back any everyone who posts has been discussing Fullwood Inn:huh:


I think that's down to me RS. I said in a post that I knew you, and presumably this is what they didn't like.

Perhaps some one has even complained!

Strange really, cos despise the fact we know each other, I totally disagree with you about the Fulwood Inn. Did you think we had a bad experience the day we were both there for the party? I know some of the veggies had a moan, but they did their best to put it right in my opinion.

Better shut up now, otherwise I'll be accused of being chatty again!

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I too have been following this thread from time to time, it's getting a bit like soap opera....Yes the Fulwood Inn is getting a bad press, and yes that is such a shame...It's a lovely building it has a warm feel to it, I just don't think that a place like this should have a manager running it, It needs someone who has a vested interested in it, who cares about the quality of the food or the cleanliness of the toilets, who's concerned if the customer is not happy. I would love to see this place really take off, I thought the last landlord had a blinkin good go at it, It's just so disappointing to see that there is a lack of care about what goes on here. The food is rubbish and so are the management if they can't see how they are running this place into the ground. I have some great memories of this place what a sorry shame to hear all the bad press it's getting...Let me in there I'll run it for em :help:

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I too have been following this thread from time to time, it's getting a bit like soap opera....Yes the Fulwood Inn is getting a bad press, and yes that is such a shame...It's a lovely building it has a warm feel to it, I just don't think that a place like this should have a manager running it, It needs someone who has a vested interested in it, who cares about the quality of the food or the cleanliness of the toilets, who's concerned if the customer is not happy. I would love to see this place really take off, I thought the last landlord had a blinkin good go at it, It's just so disappointing to see that there is a lack of care about what goes on here. The food is rubbish and so are the management if they can't see how they are running this place into the ground. I have some great memories of this place what a sorry shame to hear all the bad press it's getting...Let me in there I'll run it for em :help:
come in number 4 your time is up!
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