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The Fulwood Inn


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i think it is such a shame to see how people can be so narrow minded and easily influenced by other peoples comments. do you not think that it would be better for any business if people were to go and sample the services for themselves and then pass their comments on to the manager so that any action can be taken it also would giver the business an even footing as they would know what their customers think and improve any areas if necessary. it is fair enough voicing your grievances on sites like this but if the business concerned is unaware how are they supposed to improve.

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I dont undestand why people order a meal but want to swap things on the meal.


I don't understand why they do meals with certain side dishes and remove your ability to have a choice, you WILL have chips with your steak, even if you don't like them. it's like going into a clothes shop and them only selling you a coat with a hat, you could buy a scarf extra, but why should you ?

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i work in an establishment similar to this and know the system well. i am sure they will make changes providing it does not alter the overall cost of the dish being seved. for example two slices of garlic bread would cost approx 15p whereas a portion of chips would cost approx 35p therefore altering the profit margin on the meal and as it is a two for one chain then they cant afford to lose any more money than what they do already. so back to your point if you dont like chips with your steak they could be changed for new potatoes for example as they are similar in proce and therefore wouldn't alter the profit margin

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Oh Come on, thats like saying "computer says no!" I am sick of these "jobs worths" where nobody can think or act for themselves just once in a while.. oh and we all know that if we made the same allowances for everybody the place would be in financial ruin don't we?

well I can bet that a chain as big as marsdens wont miss the odd portion of chips.

Whats wrong with giving the customer what they want?, who called this industry "Hospitality" because theres nothing hospitable about being refused something.

I hate it when people say No! & who likes arguing the toss over a few chips?

I say come on workers get some Backbone make an executive decision who knows you might get a promotion... & one more thing, you can hardly call someone who bungs things in a microwave all day a chef can you? Well if you like that processed sort of food go for it, if not give a very wide birth indeed, ahhhh thats better :loopy::hihi:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wonder if anyone who has made a negative comment on here has ever worked in the industry for such a large company, I used to work for Barracuda and they were just as bad. The bigger the company the tighter they are. If you give a little to every customer who wants something different on the menu then you can't keep to your gp on food. Whats wrong with the customer paying for the extra bowl of chips for example? If they needed them that badly

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I wonder if anyone who has made a negative comment on here has ever worked in the industry for such a large company, I used to work for Barracuda and they were just as bad. The bigger the company the tighter they are. If you give a little to every customer who wants something different on the menu then you can't keep to your gp on food. Whats wrong with the customer paying for the extra bowl of chips for example? If they needed them that badly


I think they should have to somehow prove that need too. For example, if you really neeeeeeeeed chips then do an "I need chips" dance naked. If not then eat the bloody garlic bread!:rant::hihi:

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Oh Come on, thats like saying "computer says no!" I am sick of these "jobs worths" where nobody can think or act for themselves just once in a while.. oh and we all know that if we made the same allowances for everybody the place would be in financial ruin don't we?

well I can bet that a chain as big as marsdens wont miss the odd portion of chips.

Whats wrong with giving the customer what they want?, who called this industry "Hospitality" because theres nothing hospitable about being refused something.

I hate it when people say No! & who likes arguing the toss over a few chips?

I say come on workers get some Backbone make an executive decision who knows you might get a promotion... & one more thing, you can hardly call someone who bungs things in a microwave all day a chef can you? Well if you like that processed sort of food go for it, if not give a very wide birth indeed, ahhhh thats better :loopy::hihi:


First of all if you are in the habit of dragging down a major corporation such as MARSTONS dont you think it would be more beneficial if you were to spell their name correctly.

Secondly the only reason for two for one eateries existing is that cheap skates such as yourself do not have the decency to go to proper restaurants where real food is cooked by real chefs then again you would probably complain that this sort of place is far too expensive and no doubt the veg would be undercooked.

Thirdly i am a real chef with real qualifications and if you were to splash out and eat in proper restaurants then perhaps there would be more open and therefore more jobs available for me and my (also fully qualified) colleagues.

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First of all if you are in the habit of dragging down a major corporation such as MARSTONS dont you think it would be more beneficial if you were to spell their name correctly.

Secondly the only reason for two for one eateries existing is that cheap skates such as yourself do not have the decency to go to proper restaurants where real food is cooked by real chefs then again you would probably complain that this sort of place is far too expensive and no doubt the veg would be undercooked.

Thirdly i am a real chef with real qualifications and if you were to splash out and eat in proper restaurants then perhaps there would be more open and therefore more jobs available for me and my (also fully qualified) colleagues.



Doesn't excuse the landlady from hell though does it?

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Doesn't excuse the landlady from hell though does it?

But that's probably a whole other story, than swapping two cheap slices of bread for a dish of dear chips ... so dear they're probably called fries .... :)


I'm tempted to take a trip there to see for myself. Last time we went maybe two years ago, with a party of 10, it was lovely in there and they couldn'd do enough for you, even though they had a special party starting early evening.


The actual rooms are fabbie though and more than made up for the fact that food was probably preplated and microwaved, although not two for one.

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I have been in for a couple of meals with my otherhalf.


Found the female staff great but the bloke there was very rude and not at all obliging, don't know why he is working in the 'service sector'.


Food also VERY overpriced too.


Never been back there since

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